Family Values
They Stole My Werewolf!
By Ishtar
whydoyouhavetoknow posted a comment on Saturday 19th April 2014 4:54am for They Stole My Werewolf!
Harry is odd and yet so perfect.
I am glad they understand Remus was manipulated.
David Thacker posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 11:31pm for They Stole My Werewolf!
For any one that wants more info on The Addams Family here is a site In one of the cartoons Jidie Foster was Pugsly.
mpop posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2009 8:11pm for They Stole My Werewolf!
Loved the disclaimer.
Disclaimer: (plural: disclaimers) 1. One who disclaims, disowns, or renounces. 2. (Law): A denial, disavowal, or renunciation, as of a title, claim, interest, estate, or trust; relinquishment or waiver of an interest or estate. 3. A public disavowal, as of pretensions, claims, opinions, and the like. 4. A statement that I don’t own anything related to Harry Potter or The Addams Family.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Wednesday 30th July 2008 8:54am for They Stole My Werewolf!
A copperhead is indeed one of the deadliest snakes in the eastern United States (and is relatively common in both the northeastern and mid-Atlantic sections of the country); however, Dumbles obviously has No Idea that Harry is a Parselmouth. Since he has two strikes against him, Dumbles sends Remus Lupin, who is, amazingly, co-opted by the quirky Addams clan (much to, eventually, Dumbledore's horror, I'd wager).
shanedude posted a comment on Saturday 26th July 2008 10:02am for They Stole My Werewolf!
Man Remus is such a loser. I was hoping the Adams were going to kill him but then you made him a freind of the family. I don't unerstand how anyone could possibly like his dull and uninspirational character.
Also_Iris posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2008 3:43am for They Stole My Werewolf!
Does Dumbledore really fear the things he says he fears or is he making it all up to influence Remus. He is an annoying interfering old coot, but if he believes what he says he fears for Harry I'll give him some slack.
You'd find that the authorities hereabouts are not very fond of grown men who chase little children through the woods. Neither are some of the other people they have in their custody. I think I can guarantee that you'd have a very unpleasant time of it.
Indeed why exercise yourself if your victim already has enough rope to hang himself with and tied himself noose too. ïŠ
Nice view on Light/Dark and Good/Evil, how would you define Light or Dark?
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 18th April 2007 6:00am for They Stole My Werewolf!
Very good.
MercuryBlue posted a comment on Friday 16th February 2007 2:10am for They Stole My Werewolf!
That was true enough — the core was a whisker from his own wolf form.
I've got to ask how Ollivander (or whoever did the custom job) got hold of that whisker. And how much the wandmaker was bribed not to share the information that this client is a werewolf.
Ishtar replied:
I figure after any given full moon, there are clumps of fur, shed whiskers, blood, etc. all over the place. Remus's parents could very easily have picked up a whisker while cleaning up one month, and had the wand made by a less than scrupulous wandmaker in Knockturn Alley (I don't think Ollivander would have done this job). Or Remus himself could have had it custom made after he left school. Even if finances were tight, a secure wand might have been worth it. In either case, security could have been maintained by an Unbreakable Vow not to reveal it - for an extra fee, of course. Or a threat to have a werewolf come visit one full moon might have done the job.
RedPat posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 7:18am for They Stole My Werewolf!
After reading some other reviews, it strikes me: Charles Felonius Addams moved from England to America (presumably trailing an angry mob). Is there an Addams family vault at Gringotts? And what on earth could be in there?
Ishtar replied:
Ah, now we're getting into the interesting questions. Without getting into too much detail, I tell you that no, there isn't an Addams family vault at Gringotts. Charles Adams did indeed move from England to America, trailing a bunch of folks who were angry that he pulled his money OUT of Gringotts before they could steal it from him. (That's when he added the "Felonius" to his name, to celebrate his achievement - the extra "d" is in honor of his partner in crime, Rowland Dee). Needless to say, he was not happy with the pure-blood establishment of his day, and his descendants aren't much, either.
patsh posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 1:03pm for They Stole My Werewolf!
Your description of the play room was wonderful. I can just imagine the His and Hers bed of nails and the other torture implements that used to populate the play room in the original show. Thank you for another excellent chaper.
Donald Deutsch posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 8:40am for They Stole My Werewolf!
Interesting story so far, and I am liking following it.
Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 10:50pm for They Stole My Werewolf!
Excellent! Three cheers for the Addams Family!
Dumbledore deserves to be drawn and quartered for all his interference!
Terry Swain posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 1:35pm for They Stole My Werewolf!
Great Chapter. :)
candy posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 12:09pm for They Stole My Werewolf!
lol a death threat then child curiousity!!^_^ so cute!!^_^
Howard posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 10:19am for They Stole My Werewolf!
Great chapter again, per usual. Also, genius title. Keep up the great work.
Ivy_Snowe posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 9:44am for They Stole My Werewolf!
Dumbledore is a horrible old man. And I'm glad Remus is going to be involved. He's my favorite adult in the books. And most of the fanfics too. So, great chapter, cheers.
SpiderLily posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 8:41am for They Stole My Werewolf!
Ooh, Remus! I love Remus... Please update soon!
DreamRed posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 7:20am for They Stole My Werewolf!
Great chapter, and a nice way to introduce Remus. Looking forwards to the next.
selenepotter posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 4:41am for They Stole My Werewolf!
Great chapter!
jb238 posted a comment on Saturday 6th February 2016 12:43am for They Stole My Werewolf!