Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Thursday 12th June 2014 4:11am for Lady Fair

Any chance of more soon, please?

ibskib posted a comment on Wednesday 29th January 2014 6:34am for Lady Fair

A shame this was never continued, outside of the crackfic by BajaB this is easily the best Hufflepuff Harry I've come across, and with a unique premise to boot.

goddessa39 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th December 2013 5:03am for Lady Fair

I'm soooo dissapointed that there isn't more. Really. I was loving this. And I just read your HP/Addams fic again.

Zombie drones: "MOoooooore"

genkitty posted a comment on Friday 23rd August 2013 3:26am for Lady Fair

I very much like this story, and I hope that someday you will finish it.

Elaineprt posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd January 2013 3:15am for Lady Fair

please update soon. loving it so far.

loretta537 posted a comment on Thursday 27th September 2012 3:36am for Lady Fair

this is a great story, please update it soon

traviswj posted a comment on Saturday 19th May 2012 8:21pm for Lady Fair

This is an excellent story, I hope to see a new chapter soon.

HappyCthulhu posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2012 7:51pm for Lady Fair

Y u no finish?!

Fic Chick posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2011 10:43am for Lady Fair

I love this story so far.

xhihi0x posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2011 1:47pm for Lady Fair

This is a really, really interesting story. (stuff like this intrigues me and it's quite a rare gem. It's delightful hearing how things go in this reality, Snape is great, Sirius is Great, Remus is great, Peter's ghost is awesome, the house elves- and how harry can talk to snakes, I do hope we see that taken advantage of somewhere ;) and harry's innocence-- gahh, I love it. One of my faavs. And...I am very picky with fanfic) Keep on writing. Oh, if only I could subscribe! If you update it, and erm, ever remember this review or want to reply (hm, I can't seem to find how it does that), email me or something? Thank you for the story! One of my favs.


Thank you for the story!

There doesn't seem to be a subscribe option~ if you want

Lord Salazar Slytherin posted a comment on Friday 9th September 2011 7:12pm for Lady Fair

great store hope you update again soon

Lord Salazar Slytherin posted a comment on Friday 9th September 2011 7:12pm for Lady Fair

great store hope you update again soon

Niamh posted a comment on Monday 6th June 2011 11:44pm for Lady Fair

Love the story! Are you still writing it, is it being posted elsewhere?

Lasaraleen posted a comment on Tuesday 31st May 2011 4:28pm for Lady Fair

I'm really enjoying this story, as you've gone in a completely different direction than the books and changed some things during the first year at Hogwarts. Peter is also an interesting character, and your portrayal of him as a friend and uncle to Harry is definitely unique and original.
I hope you will continue soon.
Thanks for posting this story.

WBH21C posted a comment on Sunday 27th March 2011 6:36pm for Lady Fair

So very well done!

ImUpToNoGood posted a comment on Tuesday 8th March 2011 1:25pm for Lady Fair

This is marvellous. I hope that the final movies inspires you to finish your AU--I would dearly like to read the rest. You have compassion for Peter, despite his past, and you redeem Snape long before the books. Your characterizations are great! I can't wait to see this Harry grow up... and to see how the underpinning of House Elf ethics serves Harry in the fight against Voldemort. I like how you give the various characters equal time - even taking the time to explore such things as how Tooby becomes Birdy. Your details enrich the story and your take on the characters makes me care.

I know it's been about 5 years since your last update, but I am going to be optimistic, and hope that you will find the sudden urge to finish this story.

Thanks for writing!

Kila9Nishika posted a comment on Tuesday 14th September 2010 6:06pm for Lady Fair

BRILLIANT! Please, please, please update!!

loretta537 posted a comment on Wednesday 21st July 2010 3:46pm for Lady Fair

this is a great story! i cant wait to read more, please update it soon

NaiveGhost posted a comment on Monday 12th July 2010 2:48pm for Lady Fair

Great story. Keep writing!
I've been looking for a story with house elves rasing Harry. ;-)

Forever&3moreSeconds posted a comment on Tuesday 18th May 2010 12:32pm for Lady Fair

Of course, we'd need another chapter for 'Harry's handkerchief', as you put it.
Great story, keep it going.