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saphiresnowlady posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 5:59am for Lady Fair

Once again, a very good story. I am just disappionted that it will be a while before an upate and you left it at a cliff-hanger... Oh, well. I do hope you get your insperation back on this. Very good, though. It makes sence that Harry would end up Hufflepuff, being raised by house-elfs, which are very selfless cre4atures, unless they are insane, of course. Good Job.

chazkame posted a comment on Wednesday 7th November 2007 4:34pm for Lady Fair

I really love your fics works, especially this one, "fidelius". thanks for sharing your writing talent with us readers, hopefully you'll be able to complete it, well, at least update it soon. lol
thanks alot

Kathleen posted a comment on Saturday 6th October 2007 12:07pm for Lady Fair

Just read this story and noooo! You can't leave it there! Pleeeeeese tell me what happens next!
I'm really enjoying the story -- just as much as the Addams one -- and I absolutely love the idea of the Boy Who Vanished.

JaneJack posted a comment on Friday 7th September 2007 7:34am for Lady Fair

I really like it

Hemotem posted a comment on Friday 7th September 2007 5:18am for Lady Fair

Interesting I do hope to see more soon. Thank you


CarlosNegrao posted a comment on Wednesday 15th August 2007 8:17am for Lady Fair

I like this fic a lot.
Sorry but I have to ask: do you still intend to continue the fic? Would mind posting a reply on your forum? Or maybe adding a date to the "This story has NOT been abandoned." on the summary?

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Tuesday 7th August 2007 7:55am for Lady Fair

Okay. So, where's Harry? Come on, UPDATE! I need to know this sort of thing.

gryfny posted a comment on Sunday 29th July 2007 2:30am for Lady Fair

Great story Ishtar!

It's too bad it hasn't been updated for quite a while, but even the part that's written is great. Hope you decide to finish it...

Sakya posted a comment on Thursday 26th July 2007 5:36am for Lady Fair

Update, update, update, please!

Stine posted a comment on Saturday 14th July 2007 7:04pm for Lady Fair

I wasn' entirely sure about this story at first, but now I like it. Where did Harry go? Did he pop as the houseelves?

magiccrystalrose posted a comment on Friday 6th July 2007 12:11pm for Lady Fair

Did he pop into the elf mode of travel? I really enjoy your story. Keep it up!

Riven posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 5:51pm for Lady Fair

is there going to be an update to this story soon?
it is a wonderful story and i know you are updateing family values right now, which by the way i have been following and i absolutley love it so please continue. but if you have any spare time AFTER updateing family values then could you work on this one?
that is a rather nifty cliffie you left us with there.

oh and i just thought, maby harry used house elf poping to get away from the brooms, because we all know you cannot apprate in hogwarts ;)

sblackfan posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 11:23am for Lady Fair

Great story. When will Sirius & Remus learn about Peter?

Puidwen posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 12:46pm for Lady Fair

i'm likeing it

nancy in chicago posted a comment on Monday 30th April 2007 3:08am for Lady Fair

Someone recommended this story, and I really enjoyed it... but... it's been a year! Can you update it sometime?

I'm off to read Family Values now, I hope I like it as much!

nancy in chicago

Kait1991 posted a comment on Sunday 29th April 2007 7:56am for Lady Fair

this story is very good, i cant wait for more

Ruth posted a comment on Saturday 28th April 2007 6:54am for Lady Fair

I do hope that you haven't abandoned this, as you say you have not. It's a terrific story, and a horrble cliffhanger. I'll give you cyber cookies if you update...

Puck1 posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 9:43am for Lady Fair

Update, please?

Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Tuesday 20th February 2007 1:56pm for Lady Fair

Great story. Its the first I've read where Pettigrew attempts to atone for his betrayal. Looking forward to more.

Mark Blaine posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 11:39am for Lady Fair

One of my favorite stories. When will it update?