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Bobboky posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 6:51am for Lady Fair


bratling posted a comment on Monday 5th February 2007 3:41am for Lady Fair

Uh oh. I'm really worried now. :)

johnapple posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 6:52pm for Lady Fair

What an awful ending - now I will die (hehe) waiting for an update. Such a great story . I just discovered this story last night through some link. I don't know which link ---sorry.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story.

Hilary McKenna posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2007 6:01pm for Lady Fair

No! Please don't leave us hanging here. You have to tell us what happened to Harry! Please write more soon!

slayersfan01 posted a comment on Friday 24th November 2006 11:37am for Lady Fair

I noticed it's been quite a while since this fic was last updated. I hope that you update this soon. Stopping this at a cliffhanger like this is just so Wrong!

Davideg posted a comment on Monday 20th November 2006 1:03am for Lady Fair

wow this has been a fantastic read i hope you will continue it once you have finised family values.thank you for posting it for us fans to read

dave84768768 posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 6:25am for Lady Fair

Very interesting chappie, and tale. The lady fair idea is quite entertaining, you do realize that in canon you've just justified the H/G R/Hermione ships, eh???
Anyhow, still hope you've not abandoned this tale, I'd like to see the next chappie.

Ivy_Snowe posted a comment on Saturday 11th November 2006 3:44am for Lady Fair

So, um....any new chapters in the works?


Harley posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 12:37pm for Lady Fair

I love this story, I am wondering when we can expect a new chapter.

KingDark posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 8:45am for Lady Fair

well, here is another review from yours truly
err right
anyway I like the chapter a lot of humor in it. I also like the 'good' snape and hwo you managed to make it a little realistic.
good point of view the way he can make his revenge.

The last part of the match is a little confusing though. just thought i would say that.


Lizzy posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 4:50pm for Lady Fair

Hey i just finished reading this and i really hope that you up-date this soon! Your fic is compleatly diffrent than others that i have read and i cant wait to see what happens next! so please add an new chapter soon!

Waruiko posted a comment on Friday 13th October 2006 12:12pm for Lady Fair

It's a good thing that House Elf 'poping' is diffrent form aperation and the wards were made to let the elves move around as needed.

Ferrelyn posted a comment on Friday 6th October 2006 10:09am for Lady Fair

I love the Hufflepuff togetherness. This fic is excellent!

LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Tuesday 26th September 2006 8:45am for Lady Fair

Don't think we've forgotten this story. We're just preparing the torture devices.

Don't wait too long, or we'll come for you!

~insert evil crazy laughter here~

Reviewer-Who-Begs-For-Updates posted a comment on Saturday 26th August 2006 11:17am for Lady Fair

While it has been several months since your last update, this is very good and I hope for future updates. Your Quiddich game and the sceen following it were very easy to read and carried the suspense and action well.

I believe it common courtesy to provide an e-mail when reviewing, but dislike spam that results from webcrawlers coming across the address. My e-mail is my name, without the dashes, at yahoo dot com. I eagerly await your next update.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd August 2006 5:56pm for Lady Fair

The Lady Fair idea is very interesting but you've left me with massive questions regarding Harry's whereabouts. Please continue soon. This story is so fun.

LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd August 2006 1:25pm for Lady Fair

Ishy Ishy Ish, where are you? You've got some work to do now...

Yeah, okay, so it doesn't quite work. Hope you're well, and I hope your muse gets off its duff soon. :)

Meggplant posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 10:37am for Lady Fair

good heavens! is this an exciting cliffie to leave us on or what?! yikes. well, here's hoping you update soonly-like, 'cause i'm completely caught up in this wonderful AU version... i would hazard to say that it's better written than the original, and you seem to be using the characters to much better advantage than JKR ever has. good on you! this is going in my favourites, and i hope to see more soon!

james hung posted a comment on Friday 11th August 2006 1:50pm for Lady Fair

What a cliff hanger. Great interaction between all the characters.

sopchoppy posted a comment on Thursday 3rd August 2006 4:34pm for Lady Fair

Great Story I hope you continue it