Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Adaria posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2015 5:59pm

This, this would make great cannon. I feel like you're secretly Moffat and writing this. But that's just because of how good it is.

myredturtle posted a comment on Saturday 28th March 2015 6:11pm

That was lovely, thank you.

Silo posted a comment on Monday 16th March 2015 10:10pm

good to see u agen i hope to see family values updated nowthat u are writting agen

Jiltanith posted a comment on Sunday 15th March 2015 2:43pm


(Hey! You _are_ alive! I've been worried! So, have you gone pro, or just had writer's block? I'm still hoping for updates on your HP stuff, especially Year Abroad!)

Lee Dickie posted a comment on Saturday 14th March 2015 4:48am

I lol, thank you.

MartinEB72 posted a comment on Saturday 14th March 2015 12:01am

Welcome back to writing here. Fun little story.

James Kennedy posted a comment on Friday 13th March 2015 11:07pm

An unexpected story by Ishtar??? Most excellent...

I hope there are more stories coming...

pyrodaemon posted a comment on Friday 13th March 2015 8:43pm

Ahhh I love this! Sherlock for the win!

Peregrine829 posted a comment on Friday 13th March 2015 6:59pm

Damn but you had me rolling! Too funny! I'm glad to see you're putting out fresh work on this site. Welcome back!