Content Harry Potter Sherlock


ricks-brisbane posted a comment on Thursday 5th July 2018 4:58am for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

Holmes is the best

2cha posted a comment on Wednesday 12th August 2015 3:57pm for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

i love If you abandon this, I will cry.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2015 2:06pm for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

This is very entertaining. Thank you. Looking forward to more.

The comments about the affect of missing Harry on the population was very interesting. Hard to imagine the level of unsanity that would lead a large number of girls/women to believe _they_ would be the star of the fairy tale. And to have enough of them to impact the population as a whole.... but then these are magicals, and it seems that magic has a detrimental effect on logical thinking.

Hmmm, Dean as an auror. Unexpected. He usually ends up as an artist. Different.

Umbridge in Azkaban. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Wonder what happened to fudge. Will Sherlock have to interact with him?

Thanks for the story.

Tom A.

Amamama posted a comment on Wednesday 29th July 2015 10:33pm for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

Oooh! Gods, I love this story. And Sherlock!Harry's brilliant, sharp mind. So, his magic was bound - as an infant? How did he then manage to do what he did while he was Harry? Or is it that Ducky only assumes it happened in his infancy, and it actually happened that day Harry disappeared? That his own magic bound itself as a protective measure? Though I do find that a bit strange, too, because why would it? Or was it a mashup of the two? Did Dumbledore bind his magic when he handed Harry over to the Dursleys, and was this a binding that was supposed to wear off gradually after the age of 11, but his accidental apparition sort of reignited those bindings and made them stronger?

I guess I could just get back to the beginning of the story to check the dates, but the Anniversary - is this the day Harry disappeared?

So, seriously love this. Brilliant crossover!

Ishtar replied:

The infant adoption and binding is Ducky's assumption, and Sherlock and John simply didn't disabuse him of the notion. Everything that happened in HP canon up to the first chapter of OotP happened here, but instead of sending dementors on August 2, 1995, Umbridge tried something (a bit) more subtle - and of course everything changed afterwards.

keichan2 posted a comment on Wednesday 29th July 2015 5:34am for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

"now neither camera is covering it" Nice! I wonder how long it took them to make this, and how many obliviations there were during…

"bound his magic to suppress it so deeply he doesn’t even register as a squib" Oh? I thought it was just an obliviation…

"the release happened a few days to a few weeks ago" When Sherlock activated the labyrinth! (edit: was right! :-D)

"Sherlock had to agree; he suspected his own record, if he had Ducky do this, would be far from pretty." Yes… And would out him immediately! Hermione knows enough to recognize the place the basilisk bit him, among others…

"I wrote it myself." Bwahahahahaha!

"Safe as Houses: An Analysis of Extraordinary Survival Strategies at Hogwarts" Bwahahahahaha! Excellent! :-D (I will confess that I looked for a corresponding ridiculous acronym… ;-p)

Thanks for the new chapter!

I hope to read more soon!

Tenchifew posted a comment on Tuesday 28th July 2015 8:38am for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

Another great chapter!

Truly a unique take on the story.

Interesting idea to have made John a squib.

Looking forward to see the next chapter.

Thank you for writing.

Jack-A-Roe posted a comment on Sunday 26th July 2015 5:06pm for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

It's been a long while since I found a story with such an interesting premise as this one.

I think you are doing a fine job of showing Sherlock's observations of things without over doing it. That is delicate balance that you are succeeding at.

I'm actually looking forward to Sherlock revealing himself to Hermione (or her figuring it out) to see how you do it.

Thanks for writing!

Pamela St Vines posted a comment on Sunday 26th July 2015 4:36am for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

I just stumbled on this and will be eagerly awaiting future installments. Brilliant concept to have Sherlock be Harry (or vice versa) and brilliantly executed. Thank you.

Jonathan Langford posted a comment on Saturday 25th July 2015 3:40pm for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

Oh, my. I wonder if they're going to finish this trip into the wizarding world without revealing Sherlock's "true identity"...

Lots of interesting information reveals in this chapter. I liked it!

Luan Mao posted a comment on Saturday 25th July 2015 12:24pm for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

Enjoying it so far. Not much else to say. No obvious oopses, no egregious typos to point out.

Micky0077 posted a comment on Saturday 25th July 2015 9:10am for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

Once again, a very good chapter. Lot's talked about and revealed, without anything REALLY being revealed. I'm almost twitchy in my seat as I read them skirting the edge of finding out stuff we (as the readers) know but they don't. Was waiting for that stone to reveal the clue Hermione needed, and then it all gets explained away as something "relatively" mediocre instead. It occurs to me that it's a bit ironic that all or most of the clues are there to point out who Sherlock is, but it might be the only one who could see the links is Sherlock himself... Hermione is too logical to see the connections yet.

I like the bit about the CCTV warning system. Makes perfect sense of how the Magical world could still hide themselves in this age of constantly being watched by cameras.

Ishtar replied:

For all that the government CCTV system seems ubiquitous, it really only focuses on the main streets, places where there are expensive stores and houses and restaurants, etc. Once you get into the back alleys and lower-class neighborhoods, there's far less coverage. In rural areas, there's virtually none. And those are exactly the areas where wizards tend to live. So while there's coverage of Charing Cross Road and King's Cross and Baker Street is lit up like a Christmas tree, there probably isn't any coverage at all on Grimmauld Place or that ratty street where St. Mungo's is or in Ottery St. Catchpole, and the placement of some cameras was probably nudged to avoid the Ministry phone box. So the wizards can still go about their lives, they just have to be a bit more careful in certain areas.

Lee Dickie posted a comment on Saturday 25th July 2015 8:56am for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

Another well written and insightful look into the altered path of the wizrding world.

DrT posted a comment on Saturday 25th July 2015 2:52am for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

Yet another excellent, interesting chapter. Lookout Sherlock, that rabbit hole will likely extend even deeper or end too soon! I wonder if Dobby would recongize 'the Great Harry Potter', especially since the bindings are breaking down....

As usual, looking forward to the next chapter

siaru posted a comment on Friday 24th July 2015 7:23pm for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

This just keeps getting better and better, with more supporting richness laid on... And I've never seen the modern Sherlock, only the old stuff plus a few Xovr fics, and I can follow it. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Joe Fenton posted a comment on Friday 24th July 2015 4:52pm for Chapter 7. Welcome to Diagon Alley

Still coming along rather well. It'll be interesting to learn more about the block and when it happened. All we saw originally was just the obliviate cast in the first chapter.