Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Ian Morgan posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 4:56pm for This Means War

fantastic chapter
Malfoy just messed up real bad

Jeff posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 4:26pm for This Means War

Hey, this fic is Awesome! Keep up the good work!

chrisellis posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 4:21pm for This Means War

Whoooo!!!! Made my morning to find this in my inbox... Thankyou - turning into one of my favourite fic.. :)

mikek posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 3:09pm for This Means War

Good chapter. Liked the way you had filch freak out.

Kail Ceannai posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 2:12pm for This Means War

I love their interactions with Filch!

Snape's just evil.

Rock on sorting hat.

Jeremy DuCharme posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 2:02pm for This Means War

Sun Tzu wrote on war, seems more Gyphondor, while Machiavelli wrote on war, politics, and other joys of ruling. On some points they agree, but Machiavelli shows a more Slytherin attitude.

Another thought that came to me, Snape letting the attack on Harry go. Favoritism, or Slytherin SOP?

He did say he expected them to 'sort out' the intra-house pecking order, and warned them not to take it out in public. It could, just barely, be that Snape is letting the game be played a bit rough this year. Part one of ambition and cunning is winning friends and influencing people. Running to the Head of House is not how you do it. Could be that Snape sees his job as to stand back, only stepping in if things go to far, serious injury or public exposure of Slytherin's private little Shadow War.

Or I could be blowing smoke out my backside and Snape is just a SOB who gets off on see the Son of his Nemesis hurt.

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 2:01pm for This Means War

The Hat was entertaining. Has a better mind then
the staff. They should make him teach a class.

Embarrassing secrets of today's politicians would be

Great detention. Filch is going to go spare.

Potions was much more fun then expected. I think
Neville has made a friend for life and Harry has
a new way to annoy Snape.

I'm surprised the trio didn't have some wards
and traps set up to prevent getting caught by

dave84768768 posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:43pm for This Means War

Bwa ha ha. Good version of hp in slytherin.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:42pm for This Means War

Oy, I don't think they realize just what kind of folk they're engaging. Pity Snape didn't pay more attention to the Sorting Hat. *Snicker* He'll know better before too long, I reckon.

Foolhammer posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:42pm for This Means War

I must say, you story is delightful- I find myself checking for updates daily! You're doing a lovely job with the Addams kids- I only wish things would speed up a bit, so we can see if romance blooms between Wednesday and Harry! Then again, we'd miss all the lovely character building... Aaargh! I can't decide! :)

Anyway, keep writing 'em, I'll keep reading 'em!

Ishtar replied:

C'mon, they're ELEVEN!   The hormones haven't hit yet.   Give them a year or two.

Philip Jacobs posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:34pm for This Means War

Not too bad, you've covered all the traditional interactions setting up the school year, and showed quite well the "Addams" take on Hogwarts. (Especially Filch and his "pretties"; I don't think that anything at all shows better just how the Addams mind views the world than watching the two boys interact with the crochety old man.)

I hope your Muse is still feeling frisky, because I really want to see what happens next with this one. I suspect that Snape and the rest are about to discover just why no one in their right mind wants to disturb the Addams family or attack a family member.

The Hat's right, outside of the Family, the real qualities of Slytherin have largely been lost, I think what is going to happen from this point forward will prove to any intelligent observer just what the true potential of Slytherin is supposed to be. Up to now, the fights have been waged with mauls, Harry and his cousins are about to introduce the equivalent of stilettos, rapiers, razor wire, and sniper rifles to the equation.

Oddly enough, I suspect that the first volley is going to be fired in a direction that Draco could never have considered. I predict that Lucius is about to experience severe difficulties with the Diagon Alley Trust. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see a sudden dip in the rents being charged to merchants, in the spirit of improving commerce by encouraging new growth, as it were. And if other business ventures suddenly experience problems, well it will be just too bad if Daddy Malfoy has to tighten his belt. It will only build character for the family, who should already know how to handle separating necessities and luxuries. }:->

zac posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:33pm for This Means War

Is there a reference to Fraggle Rock in here?

Miguel Cadena posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:24pm for This Means War

Nice chapter. Its seems the Addams(and Harry) are adapting well to the school.

I really love the way they treat Mr. Filch, in all fanfics always they treat him like he is evil incarnate, I am sure the Addams will treat him with respect; more now that they know that he have such a nice toys and also some torture stories, he will be like one of their excentric uncles.

Can't wait to see what retaliation will they make to Malfoy and Co. I am sure it will be somehting so Addams it will make him wet his pants and make anyother people think twice before crossing any of them.


Makileus posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:21pm for This Means War

Nice. Very Nice. First Potter/Adams fic I have read. Looking forward to the next update.

taxzombie posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:17pm for This Means War

I can almost feel sorry for Malfoy and his goons, almost. Actually I'm looking forward to the torture I'm sure you've got lined up for them. Nail them to the walls!

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:04pm for This Means War

"The Great and Powerful Hat has spoken!"
"Headmaster, if you want the Hufflepuffs to take over the world, just say so." LOL!

Okay, I think your Sorting Hat has just become one of my favorite characters. I don't think I've ever read Snape & DD getting a ranting from the Hat before--that's awesome!

The rest of the chapter was a bit of a downer compared to that, but still quite good.

When I saw the chapter title, I thought it was from Tim for a moment, though. That's not nice to do to a guy! :-)

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Jiapa posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:01pm for This Means War

Thank you for another chapter. I am thoroughly enjoying this story. I'm looking forward to several more Snape conflicts and then him getting a clue. *grin*

EricThorsen posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 12:56pm for This Means War

Snape is even more of an idiot than Dumbledore. He's been told that Harry doesn't have a conventional moral code, and then he sets Malfoy up to get Harry and the Addams Family mad at him? I hope he can come up with an explanation for why Draco doesn't have any hair when he goes home for Christmas. I really liked this chapter, though I could wish for it to develope the story more. Keep up the good work.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 12:39pm for This Means War

Can't wait to see Snape and Malfoy on the receiving end of an Addams Family war - if they are lucky they will look like melted cauldrons.

thanks for an excellent and gripping story.
warm regards

Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 12:23pm for This Means War

I hope Harry, Pugsley and Wednesday find a way to fix Malfoy and his Goons good!

I am also wondering if there will be anything in your story with Ron Weasley? I really can't stand that git and would like to see the Trio of HPW (Harry, Pugsley and Wednesday) find ways to also put him in his place!

Love the story!