Harry Potter and the Junior Year Abroad
Professor TwoBears
By Ishtar
Lighhtwhispers posted a comment on Thursday 22nd February 2007 9:55am for Professor TwoBears
Wow. Just went through the whole thing, and I like it. A lot. This is one of the better attempts I've seen at creating an actual world for Harry & co. to live in, and presenting outside critiques of British Wizarding culture. Of course, the fact that it also involves the likelihood of people giving Harry competent psychological help and preparation for what is to come is nice, too.
I would very much enjoy more, if you decide to get back to this one. Thank you for a well-written piece of work.
Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Monday 19th February 2007 2:10pm for Professor TwoBears
A very creative and original fic. I love it.
You are a talented author and I do hope you intend to continue it at some point.
yinayngscurse posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 2:22am for Professor TwoBears
The first of your stories I read was Family Values. I truly enjoyed it, and all the other stories you have posted here.
I humbly beg you to continue writing and posting, as you have a style that is wonderful and just rings true. You make it SO easy to picture events happening. It would never have occurred to me to mix Harry Potter and the Addams Family, but you make it seem so natural and absolutely believable.
I will continue to eagerly read any and all pieces you post, be they more of your chaptered fics or the one-shots.
Even if the next chapter doesn't come for another year, I don't think I would have any problem remembering your stories and how much I love them.
Your works are truly memorable.
bratling posted a comment on Friday 9th February 2007 11:02pm for Professor TwoBears
Ack! I need more!
John Fitzgerald posted a comment on Sunday 4th February 2007 6:07am for Professor TwoBears
This is a great story. I hope that you will update soon. Thanks.
Michelle posted a comment on Tuesday 30th January 2007 11:58pm for Professor TwoBears
I just discovered your stories and wanted to know if you weregoing to continue 'HP and the Junior Year Abroad'? I really love the way this story is going and would LOVE to see more of it. Your Harry has finally found some people that will listen to HIM and not Dumbledore. Which is exactly what he needed. I can't wait for more of this.
Shade and Sweet Water
Jiapa posted a comment on Tuesday 16th January 2007 4:34pm for Professor TwoBears
*happy sigh* Bad me, reading when I should be sleeping. Good you, for writing such an enthralling story.
Of course, having read up to the last written chapter, now I want more. Is this story going to be continued?
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 9:16am for Professor TwoBears
I have loved reading this story. I love most, if not all of your stories. I sincerely hope that you are once again inspired to update this story as it is very richly done. I love the new perspective that Harry, and us, is getting as well as the deeply interesting native magics that he is learning. The way you have twisted the lore of the Native Americans, of which I am one, as well as other cultural based magics is fascinating and unique.
Please beat, cajole, bribe, or seduce your muse so that you may again grace us with some more of this wonderous story.
Stanley Chalk posted a comment on Tuesday 12th December 2006 7:23am for Professor TwoBears
This is an excellent story and you are hooked right from the beginning to the 20th chapter but wishing for more. So when will the next chapter come? I am waiting to see what happens next with this school and at the others. Please!!!
Smargden posted a comment on Tuesday 21st November 2006 5:26am for Professor TwoBears
This was indeed a twist of higher rank.
"That, my friend, is the enemy himself." Harry moved his hand and tapped on a name, and the picture zoomed in for a closer look. The young wizard glared out at them icily. Even then, he had that "master of all I survey" attitude, Harry noted. "Take a look at one T.M. Riddle. The future Lord Voldemort."
Now it's to see what coms out of it
- or - horrow thought - was it the end?
Riven posted a comment on Monday 13th November 2006 2:51am for Professor TwoBears
dam, this was just getting to be awsome, good build up, i hadnt even realized id read ten chapters untill i was almost all the way to chapter 20.
i really hope you update this sometime, preferably soon.
Ivy_Snowe posted a comment on Saturday 11th November 2006 3:13pm for Professor TwoBears
Okay, I'm thoroughly into your fics. This one is very fun to read. Cheers.
Lilredwitch posted a comment on Saturday 11th November 2006 9:31am for Professor TwoBears
This is a great fic. I really like Mr. TwoBears. I hope that you will update this story eventually.
Tanydwr posted a comment on Saturday 11th November 2006 5:14am for Professor TwoBears
Please, you have got to update this, it's such a good story!
I love the differences between the styles of schooling - although it would be nice to see something the British have in their favour, please! The white American is usually British enough generations back, so there must be some elements from Britain that are good! (Personally, I think our broadcasting system is better - nowhere near the same number of commercial breaks - and fair coverage of the government - sometimes very unflattering too!). I know the focus about what Harry's learning, but perhaps some of Hogwarts' knowledge will be more efficient or easier than that of the other schools? Obviously each one will be different - and I thoroughly approve of a lot of new stuff - like the 'Heritage' and 'Natural' Mages (I studied Biology at A-level, and often use the genetics arguments as well).
On the whole an excellent fic. I like the Vision Quest stuff (will he really have to do that trance where he gets held up by pegs through his flesh, or am I reading too much into it?). The potions lesson was fascinating, and the differences between Muggle and wizarding teachings are interesting.
Keep up the great work.
Lol, Tanydwr
reimanr06 posted a comment on Wednesday 8th November 2006 5:59am for Professor TwoBears
Please. Who needs to take the day off because of a rattlesnake, especially a 16 year old guy? People get into potentially dangerous situations all the time, such as the time when you accidentally almost drive your car across oncoming traffic (I was in the back seat). That seems to be a much more dangerous situation. Maybe you don't realize this, but teenagers, especially guys think they invincible. Bart should have been trying to impress the ladies (maybe not all that effectively) by reenacting the story and telling how cool harry handled it. a more realistic reaction would be "Holy shit, that was a close one! Hahaha!", especially considering the snake would probably have slithered off when the sticks were falling on it, and grown rattlesnakes arent all that dangerous to get bit by. Sure, it would hurt like a bitch, but like 2 people have actually died from rattlesnake bites in like 10 years. And they didnt have access to magic and potions and pheonix tears and the like. That and all this talk about conselling... Mr. Twobears seems to be kind of a pussy, or at least a pussy-enabler for an Sioux shaman warrior.
Tracey1 posted a comment on Wednesday 25th October 2006 1:53am for Professor TwoBears
This has the makings of a great story. However, I've been looking for an update for over a year. Is this now an abandoned fic? What about Fidelius? I'd really like to see how both stories play out.
dwolc posted a comment on Thursday 12th October 2006 4:00am for Professor TwoBears
cool chapter when are you going to update it
clmackie posted a comment on Monday 9th October 2006 2:25am for Professor TwoBears
Just when I find a fic I've really enjoyed, i notice its been left un-updated since last year. If you get the chance, update this, its a great story with really good writing. Been really enjoying it and want more!
Estarfire posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 8:40am for Professor TwoBears
hey, i just wanted to say that this story is great! (although i think it has a slight drag with all the detail, but that just can't be helped without very short descriptions of your imaginings, and that would just leave your audience deprived of some really cool stuff.)the plot is fun so far, and i am eagerly awaiting the next instalment!( i really wanna see what the deuling is like, and how the boys react to "T.M. Riddle. The future Lord Voldemort") and i LOVE your characters and how they seem to LIVE the situations they are in.
thanx for sharing your story with us! - Estarfire
jupimako posted a comment on Sunday 11th March 2007 2:37pm for Professor TwoBears