By Ishtar
Sue posted a comment on Thursday 5th July 2007 6:58pm
Dorothy, I hope that the muse wakes up soon on this story as it is too good to go to waste. I still want to know what will happen on Harry's vision quest. Whay did Tom's Mom want to give to Harry. Maybe the Slytherin Grimold(sp?).
Thaank you for writing such wonderful stories ans sharring them woth us.
Sue aka Griffindormom
Alice Kendalwood posted a comment on Wednesday 4th July 2007 2:22am
Ooh, I like this. Definitely interesting. I like the ethics bit, with Harry basically shooting down every supposed good point the Ministry has. Very nice.
MLBiela88 posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 2:17am
Awesome story so far...i don't want to sound picky or annoying, but are you going to update this soon? it is a good story and id like to read more about it if at all possible. Thanks.
Neil Glover posted a comment on Saturday 16th June 2007 10:28pm
Great story, i look forward to the next chapter
Infin1x posted a comment on Tuesday 15th May 2007 8:10am
There really aren't enough good things I can say about this fic. J.K's books have captured the imaginations of millions of people but when I read fanfiction that is this good I realize just how two dimensional they are and while they may be painted with vibrant colors but works like this actually have texture. Your imagining of the American Mage Community has been great so far but I have no idea how you are going to follow up with the rest of trip.
Skye posted a comment on Sunday 13th May 2007 9:16am
I just reached the end of this great story only to find out that there is no more, Please Update Soon!!!
Cynthia1850 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st May 2007 2:45am
An absolutely fantastic story. You are an excellent writer. I have looked for a long time for a really good Harry goes to America story and here it is...however, you haven't updated this for quite some time and I'm concerned about that. Please, please take time to re-read you work, it's great, and become inspired again. I wonder what Harry's totem will be? I can't wait until he gets to his other schools and see what is he going to learn. Lots of fun to be had in this one. I will definitely be watching for an update...Please!
fountaam posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2007 4:53pm
Really enjoyed this one. Hope that your muse visits this U again, though perhaps after the Addams.. :)
Like the questions from the American Teachers. I'm surprised Harry hasn't already gotten a list of books to get for Hermione started.
dwolc posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2007 11:10am
great chapter when or if are you going to update
mat posted a comment on Monday 2nd April 2007 11:27pm
When are you going to update
MrRigger posted a comment on Thursday 22nd March 2007 5:16pm
Well that just wasn't nice. Leaving me with a cliffhanger like that. But it was a good one, so I commend you for that. Usually, I see Riddle fighting for Grindelwald. Nice surprise. I'm enjoying the story, and hope you are going to continue it, specifically soon. Perhaps. Maybe. I hope.
jupimako posted a comment on Sunday 11th March 2007 2:37pm
this fic was absolutely brilliant!! i hope you haven't abandoned it... that would be a tragedy.
Lighhtwhispers posted a comment on Thursday 22nd February 2007 9:55am
Wow. Just went through the whole thing, and I like it. A lot. This is one of the better attempts I've seen at creating an actual world for Harry & co. to live in, and presenting outside critiques of British Wizarding culture. Of course, the fact that it also involves the likelihood of people giving Harry competent psychological help and preparation for what is to come is nice, too.
I would very much enjoy more, if you decide to get back to this one. Thank you for a well-written piece of work.
Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Monday 19th February 2007 2:10pm
A very creative and original fic. I love it.
You are a talented author and I do hope you intend to continue it at some point.
Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Monday 19th February 2007 6:49am
My apologies for getting on a soap box in my last review. That really wasn't my intention, it sort of crept up on me when I started the review.
I even forgot that I wanted to particularly point out how hilarious I thought Ron's comment was.
"Why on earth not? It's practically the national sport for teenage guys. After Quidditch, I mean," Ron clarified helpfully.
That was absolutely great and very 'Ron'.
Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Monday 19th February 2007 6:38am
Excellent chapter! I love how supportive the Weasleys are to Harry.
I especially like the whole bit about "The Talk" because I can very much see Harry being ignorant of the whole thing. It being exactly because of the Dursley's abuse and their fixation on what they deem 'freakish' behavior.
Its a real shame that a great many (mostly Western culture) kids are brought up ashamed of their bodies and afraid to do what should come naturally. And it is perfectly natural.
Those ideals along with the sexual mutilation of children (both - boys and girls) is perhaps one of the greatest damages inflicted upon mankind by Judeo-Christian and Muslim religions. (aka male circumcision by Jews/Christians/Muslims and female 'circumcision' by Muslims) Its very sad that so many people are denied such parts of their sexuality beginning just days after their birth into this world and then further ingrained through mental reinforcement in our shame of our bodies and sexuality.
Surely I'm not the only one to find it disturbing that here in the U.S. people go nuts over nudity on TV and in media but don't even blink at depictions of violence? That more than anything shows just how much damage has been inflicted on human social interaction and mores over the years.
yinayngscurse posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 2:22am
The first of your stories I read was Family Values. I truly enjoyed it, and all the other stories you have posted here.
I humbly beg you to continue writing and posting, as you have a style that is wonderful and just rings true. You make it SO easy to picture events happening. It would never have occurred to me to mix Harry Potter and the Addams Family, but you make it seem so natural and absolutely believable.
I will continue to eagerly read any and all pieces you post, be they more of your chaptered fics or the one-shots.
Even if the next chapter doesn't come for another year, I don't think I would have any problem remembering your stories and how much I love them.
Your works are truly memorable.
bratling posted a comment on Friday 9th February 2007 11:02pm
Ack! I need more!
John Fitzgerald posted a comment on Sunday 4th February 2007 6:07am
This is a great story. I hope that you will update soon. Thanks.
ClaMiAl posted a comment on Thursday 12th July 2007 6:40pm