Turnabout is Fair Play
The Marriage Law
By Ishtar
GaelicDragon posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 3:54am for The Marriage Law
This is great...I haven't laughed this hard in awhile.
Michelle posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 3:51am for The Marriage Law
Dorothy, you are a creative wonder! This was hysterical. Draco and Eloise... fantastic! Lucius and Trelawney... a riot. Pansy and Percy... now that is just FUNNY. Thanks - this was such an excellent use of your vacation :)
Jeconais posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 3:32am for The Marriage Law
Very nice piece of work, D.
I'm strangely into Neville Hermione these days, and was just thinking of a H/Susan story earlier today.
I do like the idea of Sybil/Lucius...
Greg Johnson posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 4:05am for The Marriage Law