By Ishtar
Miguel Cadena posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 3:26am
Quite good, I Like how you portrait the Adams, they can be mad (excentric after all they are rich), but they are loyal to blood and they will stick with family. I can't wait to read next chapter and I hope to read how will Harry grow up in that enviroment.
KingDark posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 3:21am
i LOVE it.
who would have thought an adam family crossover...
just freaking BRILIANT!! altought i wonder how messed up harry will be when he ends up in hogwarts....? i'm not really a adam family lover/fan. but i do know that family is kinda messed up.
oh well i love to see what you have planned next!
MononWalker posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 3:14am
Ah, Dorothy, a very nice introduction. And you seem to have Morticia's personality down just right.
And somehow, it just seems right for Petunia to have just a little bit of Addams in her.
And I loved Lurch "popping up" where ever. That, too, seems so in-character of him.
Minor glitch seems to appear in the paragraph where you introduce Morticia. It begins to describe her then the next sentence starts "She" ... and then cuts off. Nothing after.
Loved this startup, though. A great beginning to the story.
Ishtar replied:
The typo has been fixed.
rares127 posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 3:08am
I must say i like the idea of a HP/ADDAMS crossover and since this one is the first ever i read i think i'm in love!!!Also the fact that i think that it's a bit of realy good wrighting so far helps.
Anyway i hope to read chapter three as soon as posible (can't wait to see how Harry turns out and hope Petunia get it BIG TIME,that goes x2 for Vernon!!!
Jake Anderson posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 2:56am
I am very intrested in where this story is headed. it looks like it is going to be a creepy and cooky fic.
Ishtar replied:
I'm hoping for "altogether ooky" as well. :-)
Crys posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 2:24am
Oh, this will be an eye-opening experience for both Petunia and Vernon. *evil grin*
From reviews:
> stuffed Cthulhu plushies
*stare* Somehow, that seems to fit.
In a weird sort of way.
Yeah, yeah. That's the definition of the Addams's, right?
Very entertaining story so far. Looking forward to watching the "triplets" interact with each other and at Hogwarts. With Snape, with Draco, with Hermione . . .
Ishtar replied:
> stuffed Cthulhu plushies
*stare* Somehow, that seems to fit.
You expect us to have normal plushies? We have Cthulus in three sizes (one big one, that's daddy, one medium sized one, that's mommy, and three baby ones); one beach bum Cthulhu (that's their weird uncle); one black and silver Cthulhu (that's the older brother, he's gone goth) and one santa Cthulhu. Also a stuffed shoggoth and Yogsothoth. We don't have the Super!Cthulhu, though. Or the plaid one.
10chi posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 2:09am
Absolutely wonderful writing. I was hooked from the first sentence which was a brilliant transition from the previous chapter. No wasted words and an excellent flow that helped to carry us into this chapter from the last. I am eagerly looking forward to the next chapter.
Sideline posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 1:39am
I'm sorry, but I don't have time to review in any detail. Let me just say I'm in love with this plot idea and can't wait to see where it goes. How far in the time line do you plan write it?
Ishtar replied:
At least through fourth year, with an epilogue to seventh. I won't be doing a complete rehash of canon, because who needs to read all that again?
Kail Ceannai posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 1:19am
In my typical fashion, I've managed to skip chapters yet again. Yet, in true Isthar fashion previous chapters are not strictly required to understand later chapters.
Excellent writing.
LunaMazes posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:59am
*screaming* savvy?
Jamie46 posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:34am
:-D Man, this chapter was even better than the last! :-D hehehe. I can't IMAGINE what "normal is King" Petunia Dursley is thinking right now, going through all this. ;) hehehe. And I'm sure Vernon will have a bit more appreciation for her when she returns, too. (Was he planning on not working for those few days, or is it a weekend? He'd have to get a nanny for Dudley if he's got work.) I love how you described young Pugsley and Wednesday. :) They sound so cute. And I rather liked the idea of Harry cuddling up with a stuffed squid/octopus/thing. :) Sweet. I think Harry's going to have quite a great childhood here, and I am *so* looking forward to reading about it. Congrats on getting the second chapter up so quick, too! :) hehehe. Thanks again for sharing.
p.s. Do you know anywhere else that I might find HP/Addams crossover fics? I tried searching, but there's only 4 short drabbles. Do any of the other HP sites have some? Are they what inspired you to write this story, or did the inspiration come from elsewhere?
Ishtar replied:
Vernon just took some holiday time off from work to give himself a long Christmas holiday. He really doesn't have a clue as to what Petunia does all day, so he is, indeed, in for a bit of a shock.
Everybody's cute when they're two. Well, except for Dudley maybe. The cuddly thing with tentacles is based on stuffed Cthulhu plushies and a Beanie Baby octopus I own.
I have only found a few HP/Addams crossovers: loralee's drabbles and one story that never got past the second chapter. I just always felt that the world the Addams Family lived in lay somewhere in between the magical and muggle cultures - they have quite a lot in common. I started thinking that the Family would not be out of place living in 12 Grimmauld, and it went from there.
Bernd Jacobitz posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:30am
Chris McFadden posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:23am
<chuckles> Intriguing idea... Disturbing, but intriguing.
Ruskbyte posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:12am
Oh my.
Oh my, indeed.
This... is a jewel.
I can already picture the face on the poor sod Dumbledore's going to send to collect Harry when it's time for him to come to Hogwarts.
For that matter; imagining everyone's reaction to Wednesday is similarly priceless.
Peachy posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 11:46pm
I like it so far. I can't wait to see where this is going.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 11:46pm
Good chapter. You're really capturing the feel of the Addams family as I remember it. I can't wait for more. :-D
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 11:25pm
Another great chapter. I love the rich detail that you are pouring into this story. What is the goal for the end of the story, timline wise?
Thank you for writing.
Mike (MoA)
Shade posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 11:22pm
omg! i am speachless... what will you come up with next?
Alex00 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 11:16pm
Great work.
Amamama posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 4:08am