Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Cale posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2007 6:05am for A House Divided

You are a true genius. I've never seen something so funny, yet so compelling. I salute thee and hope, nay, pray that you update this story. I cannot express the joy I felt when I read through this tale, nor the sheer agony that went through me when the "Next" was found black, with no link to a further chapter. Oh, poor I, who has to wait for more. Poor readers, who wish it weren't so.

In short, we want more! Yay Ishtar!

Ishtar replied:

*blinks*   Thank you.   That has to be the most extravagantly over-the-top review I've ever gotten.   I hope I can continue to live up to your estimation.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, "Parent-Teacher Night (and Voldemort, Too)"

carlinonthebrain posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2007 1:12am for A House Divided

very nicely done, and well worth the wait. I alos appreciate the Princess Bride reference

Waruiko posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2007 12:58am for A House Divided

You updated?!? WOOT! Exelent as allways.

patrik svensson posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2007 12:28am for A House Divided

Great story,
keep up the good work.

Yzrail posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 11:09pm for A House Divided

This is really, really good. I was afraid, for a while, that you had given up on the story. I'm glad it isn't so. And it was well worth the wait, i might add. So thanks and keep it going ! ^_^

power214063 posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 10:01pm for A House Divided

please update soon i want to find out what happens to the troll

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 9:47pm for A House Divided

Hehehe. Gomez seems to be running the trust
quite well. I almost feel sorry for Malfoy.
I doubt the changes will stop at the alleys.

Draco targeted Wendsday as the weak link? I
wonder if they set that up on purpose. After all
the class scores are meaningless as only the owls
and newts really matter. Making herself look weak
is well within their skills.

Great chapter. So is Neville going to tell
them that Hermione is in the bathroom or
are they going to go troll hunting for fun?

Ishtar replied:

Great chapter. So is Neville going to tell them that Hermione is in the bathroom or are they going to go troll hunting for fun?

Hermione isn't in the bathroom because she doesn't have Charms with Ron any more.   And they're not going after the troll because there are other wabbits to catch in the halls of Hogwarts ... remember Snape, who was sneaking around by himself in canon?   And Quirrell, who was left abandoned on the floor in the Great Hall?   What exactly were they up to?

darthloki posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 8:22pm for A House Divided

Professor Snape must be feeling very grown up.

Grown-up, or old?

darthloki posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 8:19pm for A House Divided

[logs in to review this time]
HAH! Totally awesome, and proves Harry's not behind everyone in the lordship education department. And Wednesday's speech ("I am Wednesday Friday Addams, the daughter of Gomez and Morticia Addams. My ancestors built castles in Wales and Spain while yours were still peasants in France! I am the heiress to the Dee fortune, and when I marry, my husband will be the richest wizard in England. And you graciously offer to let me be your mistress! MAYBE!?") should tell everyone to think twice before picking on her again.
Oh, I'd love to see Lucius's reaction a recital of these events...
*manic grin*

Ishtar replied:

I think what really ticked Wednesday off was the idea that he was doubtful about making her his mistress after all - as if anyone could doubt that she'd be the best possible mistress anyone could have.   If she decided to be someone's mistress, she'd have people lining up to apply for the privilege.

Darkness posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 7:41pm for A House Divided

Wow, isn't Draco stupid ot what? It seems his sense of self-importance and superiority over the rest of the world is clearly inherited from his father. Anyways, liked the chapter, especially the part where Draco yields XD! Snape really is a snarly git, isn't he.

Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 3:10pm for A House Divided

Another fine effort. I of course love to see Harry put Malfoy in his place. It is even better to see Gomez put Lucius in his place. It is quite fun to see canon events with an Addams twist. There could be a bit of fun having the house elves interact with Thing. Of course it will be fun to see Pugsley make a pet out of the troll. I await further installments with keen anticipation. Thanks for writing. W.

SailorAlgol posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 3:06pm for A House Divided

Yay, new chapter, new chapter!!! Loved it, ishtar. More soon, pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top...

jupimako posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 1:23pm for A House Divided

amazing new chapter. i loved the sword fight and the trust meeting... great scenes! can't wait for the next update XD.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 1:01pm for A House Divided

The last section seemed rather rushed, but other than that, an excellent chapter!

The Trust meeting was very well done, and Malfoy's mistake and the subsequent duel were excellent.

Many thanks for sharing this with us.

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 12:56pm for A House Divided

Excellent chapter! Totally loved the way Harry has dealt with the minor Malfoy whilst Gomez started dealing with the Elder Malfoy.

I love the way Snape is being marginalized and I eagerly look forward to any possible legal ramifications as the Parents group becomes more and more aware of his unfair grading practices as well as the way he continuously mishandles the safety and well being of his entire house.

I sincerely look forward to reading more of this as soon as you are able to post!

Loki posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 12:51pm for A House Divided


brat1234 posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 12:17pm for A House Divided

This was a wonderful update.

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 12:01pm for A House Divided

Awesome! I'm so glad you finally got the kinks worked out because I adore this fic!!!

Paul Millsted posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 11:34am for A House Divided

Glad your back to this its one of my fav fic. Good that Harry and the Adames got some kicks in on Malfoy. I wouldn't mind a more confontational Harry with a few of his enemys getting smacked but the way your writting is very true to the Adams Family. Shame Mortica didn't get more todo this chapter love that girl. Keep it up please update soon.

la13 posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 11:19am for A House Divided

Yay!!! I was incredibly excited to see this story updated! I especially loved Gomez's careful management of the Diagon Alley Trust business. He's certainly not wasting any time!

Harry suddenly acquiring a British accent during his duel was highly entertaining, to say the least. I was glad to see Remus carefully handling Snape in the issues of keeping the problems within the house.


"It would be glorious!" He stuck his cigar back in his mouth and took a puff. "Glorious!"

= best line ever. The parallel imagery of the two men's reactions to the situation was brilliant.

Greatly enjoying the story!