By Ishtar
Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Thursday 12th June 2014 1:45am
Heh-heh. Stupid Fidelius not breaking, but I guess it's kept him alive. Moving on.....
ibskib posted a comment on Wednesday 29th January 2014 6:34am
A shame this was never continued, outside of the crackfic by BajaB this is easily the best Hufflepuff Harry I've come across, and with a unique premise to boot.
ibskib posted a comment on Monday 27th January 2014 6:39pm
I like how this fic has Peter much more sympathetic instead of just a coward without any positive qualities, and having him as a ghost that teaches Harry is a pretty ingenious way for him to redeem himself
goddessa39 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th December 2013 5:03am
I'm soooo dissapointed that there isn't more. Really. I was loving this. And I just read your HP/Addams fic again.
Zombie drones: "MOoooooore"
genkitty posted a comment on Friday 23rd August 2013 3:26am
I very much like this story, and I hope that someday you will finish it.
Akuma-Heika posted a comment on Sunday 14th April 2013 7:03pm
This means that both Bill and Charlie are in school already at the time this story starts, and will have had time to establish themselves in their chosen fields by the time Harry first becomes acquainted with them. This also means that the age difference between Fleur and Bill would be 12-13 years. Wondering who you will pair her with now because that age difference is fairly large especially for a woman who isn't even 20. I do not know many 18 year olds who hooked up with guys in their early 30s as their first serious relationship (Hell her relationship in canon to me was more contraversal than HarryGinny and RonMione.)
Starlingswings posted a comment on Sunday 27th January 2013 3:36pm
I haven't gotten the chance to read this chapter yet, but the ones before are utter brilliance and I expect that this one will be no less. That said, the HP Lexicon is a *horrible* reference for *anything* - you won't *believe* the things they've gotten wrong (Remus' *surname*, in the beginning!) -, so I highly recommend a Harry Potter Wiki or even simple Wikipedia. Though, no, apparently Rowling did no research on times and dates or made any attempts to have class schedules make sense. That's two gaping plotholes right off the bat, sadly.
Elaineprt posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd January 2013 3:15am
please update soon. loving it so far.
loretta537 posted a comment on Thursday 27th September 2012 3:36am
this is a great story, please update it soon
traviswj posted a comment on Saturday 19th May 2012 8:21pm
This is an excellent story, I hope to see a new chapter soon.
HappyCthulhu posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2012 7:51pm
Y u no finish?!
Fic Chick posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2011 10:43am
I love this story so far.
xhihi0x posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2011 1:47pm
This is a really, really interesting story. (stuff like this intrigues me and it's quite a rare gem. It's delightful hearing how things go in this reality, Snape is great, Sirius is Great, Remus is great, Peter's ghost is awesome, the house elves- and how harry can talk to snakes, I do hope we see that taken advantage of somewhere ;) and harry's innocence-- gahh, I love it. One of my faavs. And...I am very picky with fanfic) Keep on writing. Oh, if only I could subscribe! If you update it, and erm, ever remember this review or want to reply (hm, I can't seem to find how it does that), email me or something? Thank you for the story! One of my favs.
Thank you for the story!
There doesn't seem to be a subscribe option~ if you want
Lord Salazar Slytherin posted a comment on Friday 9th September 2011 7:12pm
great store hope you update again soon
Lord Salazar Slytherin posted a comment on Friday 9th September 2011 7:12pm
great store hope you update again soon
Niamh posted a comment on Monday 6th June 2011 11:44pm
Love the story! Are you still writing it, is it being posted elsewhere?
Lasaraleen posted a comment on Tuesday 31st May 2011 4:28pm
I'm really enjoying this story, as you've gone in a completely different direction than the books and changed some things during the first year at Hogwarts. Peter is also an interesting character, and your portrayal of him as a friend and uncle to Harry is definitely unique and original.
I hope you will continue soon.
Thanks for posting this story.
WBH21C posted a comment on Sunday 27th March 2011 6:36pm
So very well done!
ImUpToNoGood posted a comment on Tuesday 8th March 2011 1:25pm
This is marvellous. I hope that the final movies inspires you to finish your AU--I would dearly like to read the rest. You have compassion for Peter, despite his past, and you redeem Snape long before the books. Your characterizations are great! I can't wait to see this Harry grow up... and to see how the underpinning of House Elf ethics serves Harry in the fight against Voldemort. I like how you give the various characters equal time - even taking the time to explore such things as how Tooby becomes Birdy. Your details enrich the story and your take on the characters makes me care.
I know it's been about 5 years since your last update, but I am going to be optimistic, and hope that you will find the sudden urge to finish this story.
Thanks for writing!
Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Thursday 12th June 2014 4:11am