Content Harry Potter Sherlock


EricThorsen posted a comment on Sunday 8th January 2006 1:24am

I liked this chapter, especially the potions class. You gave a valid reason for Harry to be in Hufflepuff, something that is not all that easy to do. I also like the idea that the new marauders are from all four houses. This will no doubt produce even more unique and amusing pranks. I do wonder what Sirius' and Remus' reactions will be when they find out that Peter has been dead for a while and is a ghost. You have succeeded in producing a cohesive and coherent "From the Beginning" AU, one of the hardest things any fan fic author can attempt. Good work

m4rk6 posted a comment on Saturday 7th January 2006 10:04pm

Its a pretty good fic. I'm in a "gryffindor trio" mood right now though, or even "gryffindor four (with ginny) or six (with neville and luna)" so I guess I'll just bookmark you and return to reading when the mood leaves me.
Keep up the good work.

Crys posted a comment on Saturday 7th January 2006 9:46am

Hmm. Your Harry makes more sense as a badger, doesn't he?

And Hermione shoulda been a raven in the first place.

Good changes. Looking forward to seeing Peter and Sirius talk.

BTW, caught the "nephew of the person who may have betrayed his parents" bit. Nice touch to see it's still lingering.

Snape/Malfoy animosity is a nice twist.

More overtly meddling AD? Hmm. Interesting to see where you take that.

Regress posted a comment on Saturday 7th January 2006 3:38am


The entire story up to this point is brilliant! Peter's character actually makes sense, everything in it is logical and it all ties together enough to be a great story without over doing it. Not to mention that it's a Harry Potter the Hufflepuff story, and there just aren't enough of them around, I mean come on! The kid is so loyal to his friends and family, it's OBVIOUS that Hufflepuff would have been a great choice for him. He is a bit of a slacker in canon, but that's Ron's influence more than anything, when it clearly shows that he's not naturally one, ie. the DA preperation, and quidditch training.

Keep up the good work, this story looks to be one of the great ones.

Tommy posted a comment on Saturday 7th January 2006 2:54am

Eh... I accidentally set my account to not receive review responses on your latest answer... is there anyway to undo that? You'll probably have to reply to this email;

Hope you can help...

Tommy L.

Mickey posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 11:58pm

GREAT CHAPTER! I really liked Sirius warding his motorcycle against traffic wardens and Harry meeting the Grangers and Harry's sorting and...and if I continue I'll end up listing three quarters of the chapter as my favorite scene.

One thing, was the gold and red trim on the Hogwarts express in the book? If so it occurs to me that could contribute to the impression of Gryfondor as 'the best house'

Arkeus posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 5:00pm

frankly, i would not have thought that Hermione could be anything but gryffindor, given that she has a need to act that is very griffindorish, but that's your call. i also disliked your thoery about magic, but it's true i never read one that i liked yet :/
Good work!

freakyfinger posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 4:14pm

I love this story! I started it an hour ago, and read straight through! I love how baffled Snape seems to be by Harry. The only thing that seems odd is that Harry doesn't know, and doesn't seem to want to know about what happened to his parents.

xyvortex posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 1:06pm

Another brilliant chapter! It's nice to see Harry settling in, though I think the Potions lesson could have been a little longer. (in my imagination, I had Harry so dissapointed in Snape's attitude, that he handed the book over to the professor, making Severus feel like an ass.) Yours worked great too, and I can't wait for next chapter.

Goyana posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 12:27pm

Yay a new chapter, i love this story, please update soon... and Hufflepuff... unexpected but nontheless Nice... already interested in Animagus?, and the Marauders II? cant wait. Update soon!

FairyQilan posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 12:06pm

Lol. Malfoy gets what's coming to him. Wonderful.

Mikee posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 11:03am

Wonderful chapter. Loved that Harry is in Huffelpuff, and the way the H-Puffs were introduced to their common room, each other, and the ideals of the house was great. Loved it.
I quite enjoyed Harry's first Potions class, too. Oh, and that Severus thought Harry was pulling a joke on him with Remus and Sirius was exactly what I thought Severus would (.should.) do. I quite like how you handled that. Very well done.
Loved the whole chapter. Looking forward to more.
Thank you.

LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 10:56am

I think I'm having trouble writing reviews for this story, and I don't honestly know what I'm going to do in future reviews. I really don't want to try to predict what happens next, because that's not really "reviewing." I usually try to point out a mistake or typo to be helpful, or provide a short bit of constructive criticism, but I can find no faults with this story. I usually try to encourage the author to write faster or to get that next chapter out soonest, but I honestly don't want you to change a single thing you're doing, and even if your posting schedule has not been the MOST regular, you've yet to leave us hanging for too long.

I want to say that I think this is the best chapter yet, because you seem to be moving from a more descriptive manner of storytelling to something that feels more interactive, but I simultaneously find it impossible to say that the previous chapters were in any way less well written or enjoyable.

I'm really stuck here. Total quagmire. You've completely destroyed my method of reviewing, something that has served me well for almost ten years.

So how about this - Hufflepuff was a totally expected, but uniquely implemented (and therefore surprising) turn of events (Have you noted all the paradoxes in this review yet?). I really like how much of a family you've made it, and wonder how you will deal with what happened in canon with Hufflepuff's "abandonment" of Harry over parseltongue and the GoF - if you actually DO choose to remake those plots. Canon-wise, I've always thought Peter seemed like a Hufflepuff before the betrayal, and felt Neville was always a Huff in Gryff clothing. I've also always been disappointed that that the house known for its loyalty and teamwork is also seemingly the weakest.

Snape almost seems redeemable in this story so far, and Merlin knows I've never said -that- before. Perhaps to him this Harry has moved far enough out of his father's shadow that Severus can see him as something other that a doppleganger of James.

I can't wait to read the next chapter. Bah, that did it, another paradox. Now I've written a review exactly to method while telling you you've made it impossible to do so.

I'm so confused.


kittykatluver posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 10:26am

Aw. How wonderful!! I like it!

Quizer posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 10:13am

I read your explanation of the Avada Kedavra curse in the authors note. So basically, your version of it scares/terrifies people to death? Just want to know if I understand it correctly.


Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 10:02am

Great start to the first year. I like that this Harry is being treated a little different by Snape. There are different circumstances, only slight from Snape's perspective, and that would change things. I love the bunny of the introduction spell. I think that the four of them should ask Monny and Padfoot if they can use the name Mauraders for their new group. If and when the Twins see the name in blazing letters over a prank, their reaction will be priceless.

The only problem is how Harry will disavow knowledge and guilt when everyone now knows that his father and his 'Uncles' were the originals.

Of course, canon does not say how they came up with the name. You could have some fun with the name reoccuring several times throughout the history of Hogwarts and Hermione using that knowledge to show that Harry is not guilty. It could be anyone, afterall.

Thank you for writing.


timte2002 posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 9:40am

I hope Severus won't forget to get his winnings from Sirius and Remus the next time he meets them.

I really like the refreshing twists of a more mature Snape, etc. (I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the Malfoys), but really hope that someone can write a good-intentioned-if-slightly-meddling Dumbledore instead of the evil-manipulative-fill-your-favorite-insult type that I keep finding.

I'm also not sure that Dumbledore has any say in Mr. Hat's decision, esp. without the intoxicants found in fabric softeners (I think I got that right?).

Waiting for the next chapter.

ps. is it just me or should the next chapter be titled "The New Marauders"?

Quizer posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 9:15am

Great chapter! Thanks for updating!
I'm looking forward to more potions lessons. Do keep us updated on them.
Will Harry be using Voldie's old wand for DADA, assuming they get around to using wands at all? Dumbledore would probably freak if he ever found out that Harry has it and that he can actually use it ;) Are you going to write a scene like that?
I also like different sortings you introduced. It serves to make this AU differ somewhat more from canon. Although I do feel a little sorry for Tracey... Is Ron going to make more than token appearances or is he only a minor character in your fic?
I'd like to read the scene where Dumbledore has that talk with the hat about reassigning Harry. I bet the hat wasn't quite as forthcoming as the old wizard made it out to be... So do we have a Manipulating!Dumbledore in this fic?
The introduction ritual into Hufflepuff was a nice touch, and it fits well with the image of loyalty.
Tracey said her parents are some kind of 'merchants'. Is there more to that, or are they really 'just' merchants?

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Keep up the good work! :)


anonymous5 posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 9:08am

One minor nit to pick:

"You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuff's are true
And unafraid of toil;"

I believe in book one JKR does not use an apostrophe to pluralize anything. Other than that - excellent, excellent chapter. This continues to be a blast to read. Thanks, and update soon!!

Tommy posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 8:45am

Great! Absolutely beautiful! I hope you won't mind if I use your own constructed words about Hufflepuff; they sort of changed my view on the house of loyalty, - and rightfully so.

I applaud your work, - please update again soon!

Tommy L.