Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 22nd May 2006 3:13am

Excellent chapter.

I loved Snape letting Sirius have it! No one (as far as I know) has pointed out the repercusions for Remus if his "prank" had succeeded.

Exciting quidditch game. Where's Harry? (Ha, I bet none of the other reviews wonder that! Didn't think we'd pick it up, did you?)

The bit with the unicorn and the Lady Fair was good. I'm a little disappointed. While I hate Harry/Ginny, I like Harry/Other girls; there have been so many H/Hr stories out there, I like things different.

Thanks for writing. Looking forward to more.

Tom A.

Ishtar replied:

I have read a number of stories dealing with the ramifications of the Shack incident.   Here, Sirius, while aware of the social consequences of lycanthropy, wasn't, at 16, aware of the legal consequences, and for one reason or another Remus never filled in the blanks.   Now that Snape's brought it up, Sirius will have to deal with it.

Don't count on it being H/Hr.   There is a reason why this story is listed under "None" for pairing.   Harry is only eleven at this point, and still isn't quite sure what girls are for.   I don't hold with one's first girlfriend at that age necessarily being a lifemate.   I intend that Harry, like most teenagers, will move through a series of relationships of varying depth before he settles down.   There's still Tracey to deal with, and Ginny, and Cho, and an OC or two, and anybody else I feel like throwing at him.   If any permanent relationships happen in the course of this story, it's likely to involve the adults.   Remember the classic opening line from Pride and Prejudice:   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man possessed of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."   This applies to Snape, Sirius and Remus (I could throw in Lockhart, but the less said of him the better) and I'm not going to let the challenge go unmet.

Prince Charon posted a comment on Monday 22nd May 2006 3:10am

Interesting. Very, very interesting. Particularly the end, and the bits about Wizarding culture.

Thank you for the update.

More soon, please.

Alorkin posted a comment on Monday 22nd May 2006 2:44am

Snape's speech on the way to the hospital wing was truly inspired. "By the end of his seventh year, Harry will be more my child than yours or Potter's...and that, Black, will be my revenge." Ooooh! Sweet!
The explanation Tracy gave as to the etiquette aspects, specifically as to Hermione being Harry's 'Lady Faire' seems reasonable, if the setting had been in the middle ages. For the wizarding world, I'm not sure. It seemed out of date even for them.
I think I would have had Harry demand satisfaction from Ron and Lav. I could imagine them both turning green, and Dumbles approaching, telling Harry that duelling was no longer tolerated in the wizarding world. Harry's reply could have been on the order of: "As recompense, I demand Ron Weasley and Lavender Brown (Both purebloods if I recall canon correctly) declare their bond as boyfriend and girlfriend before the entire school!"
Another variant could be 'declare their troth.' That would make Ron at least, go green. Forgive me an evil chuckle: Heh heh heh heh heh heh !
Why would Quirrel go after Higgs? He's a Slytherin in the first place, and not Harry in the second. Practice? A very well played story. Thank you. Alorkin

Ishtar replied:

This Snape is not the sort of man who would take revenge on the son for the father's transgressions (I had a line to that effect in the story originally, but couldn't quite make it fit).   He will, however, happily use the son to his own purposes.   Having a wealthy aristocrat looking to him as a mentor and feeling somewhat beholden to him could be quite useful in the future.

The Lady Fair thing is an antiquated custom at best, filtered through chivalric romance and Lavender's overheated interpretation of things.   I see the courtship rules and etiquette of the aristocracy of the Wizarding World being roughly approximate to those of Regency Romances (which is where Snape's reference to his own value on the Marriage Mart came from).  

I haven't quite figured out what evil thing I will do to Ron and Lavender.   Working on it.

Higgs was a "blunt instrument."   He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was used as a weapon to attack Harry.  

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 11:55pm

About TIME you updated.

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 11:47pm

Yeah!!!!!! you have a new chapter out... so I guess this means I get to read the whole story again!!!

This is my attempt at procrastination to not write!

Come check out the new forum sometime and let me know what you think!
My friend Liesel does amazing work with 3D graphics

I agree with you in regards to the funky timeline in canon... it is way off course... even after JKR tried to justify some of her thinking it still didn't make any sense...

I love this story... you have really made the characters and story visually possible...

Talk to you soon,
As Always,
Muirnin - who is listening to Christopher watch GOF (on the disc that got scratched up within days of purchase... gotta love kids)

Say hi to his Keithness for me...

Crys posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 10:21pm

Stephen? ;) VERY different personality, but it makes sense considering the wildly different history.

Fun chapter. Lot of info, some trying to steer toward canon, some away. Good dose of action there at the end, and even a dollop of romance.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 10:02pm

Ooh, what a great start to a Monday! I had almost wondered if this had been abandoned - I'm so glad to see more of it. Thanks for the great update, and feed your muse well! I'm really looking forward to more.

Jamie46 posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 9:44pm

oh dear. poor harry...again.

but i have hope! ...because next chapter, Harry is going to be asked "Why do you look like you've been tie-dyed?" and he'll answer "My handkerchief exploded." NOT something you say to kidnappers, Dark Lord-possessed Quirrells, or other misc. people who make you disappear! ;) hehehe. So though I hope you don't suffer writer's block as long this time and make us wait for months, I won't be on (complete) tenterhooks, because I know there's a handkerchief in the future! :-D hehehe

Mickey posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 9:07pm

FINALLY! Great chapter, I hope the next update won't take as long as this one.
I wouldn't have thought the Wizarding culture is as prejudiced against women as the 'lady fair' custom imlies but okay. About owls, my impression from the books was that the owls carried the letters, not that they were tied to their legs like a messenger pigeon's messege You have the owls flyingin to the great hall dropping of their letters and flying off without stopping. For some reason many fanfiction stories have the letters tied to the owls.

I really liked your Snape-Black interaction are you going to have Snape and Pomphery become involved?

Oh and one more thing "amanuensis" jarred me out of the story even though it's meaning was fairly clear from context.

Ishtar replied:

As originally intended in ancient days, the Lady Fair would repay her savior by becoming his wife if she was of suitable birth or his mistress/concubine if she wasn't (if they couldn't agree on another way to pay it off via a Life Debt negotiation).   It was never intended to apply to children (presumably, if one did save a child's life, that child's parent would pay the Life Debt, but since Hermione's parents are Muggles, they can't do it).   It eventually became all involved with concepts of chivalry and knightly courtship, which is where the romantic "Lady Fair" thing really developed.   And most of this has been filtered through Lavender's romantic sensibilities, since she is apparently the "expert" on wizarding romantic folklore among the children - so this whole thing may bear as much relation to reality as tales of finding babies under cabbage leaves bear to sexuality and childbirth.   Regardless, it will have a major impact on Harry's life from here on out.

Regarding owls, the HP Lexicon, which I rely on for things like this, says: "Messages are tied to the leg of the owl or the bird carries the item in its claws or beak."   Part of it depends on the length of the trip the owl is to make, and the personal reliability of the owl.   For a long trip, Hedwig has the message tied to her for safety.   If, for example, Peter sent Henry to Hogwarts with a message, it would be tied to Henry, who would go to the owlery; Hedwig would take it in her beak from there to Harry at the breakfast mail call.

I'm thinking a Snape/Pomfrey pairing is in the offing - I've never seen one done before.

The word "amanuensis" isn't very common these days , but Sirius was brought up in a somewhat old-fashioned culture and would be familiar with it.   Since that line was from his POV, the word was appropriate.   I like using interesting words from time to time, even if it's by implication only - witness Harry's stumbling over "epiphany".

Quizer posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 5:59pm

Hey, great to see you update again! I was beginning to wonder... Had to re-read the last two chapters as well, but it was worth it! :)

The conversation between Snape and Sirius was well done. I'm glad that Snape actually cares about Harry. As such, his form of revenge is one I can approve of.

The Quidditch match was fun, too, but I don't understand why Quirrell tried to sabotage Higgs. I thought he had it in for Harry only?

The Lady Fair thing seems pretty pointless so far, but I don't doubt it will come back to haunt us sooner rather than later...

keep up the good work!


PS: what happened to JYA? Is it abandoned? Or will it be continued at a later date?

Ishtar replied:

I'm glad you liked it.   This version of Snape is interesting, I think - he's still not a nice man, but he isn't anywhere near as over-the-top as he is in canon.   He and Sirius and Lupin have a long way to go to resolve their childhood problems.

Higgs was being used as a weapon, it wasn't personal.   He was moving at high speed and his broom was hexable, so he could be directed at the place where Harry was sitting.   Anybody moving in that area of the stadium would have done as well.   Having the mass of the Gryffindor Chaser added to the pileup was a bonus.   And this way, perhaps, nobody will think it was a deliberate attack on Harry.

Yes, the Lady Fair thing will come back and cause complications later.

jonnyb posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 5:20pm

Yeah... the handkerchief thing was me. Great chapter.. looking forward to more.

Mouse posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 4:32pm

This is a very good and interesting chapter and I can't wait for the next update.

Fasor posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 3:57pm

another great chapter. I hope you can get the next one out soon :)

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 2:45pm

Oh, my! That's definitely a different twist on things. I'll be interested in seeing how this twist goes.

Manatheron posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 1:23pm

Ohhh! this could be VERY interesting, especally as it can't be apperation... Can't wait to see what happens next, Keep up the excellent work!

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 1:00pm

Excellent chapter. I could never write such a detailed AU as this. I could never keep track of the changes to Canon and would look like an idiot as I misquoted my own writing and facts. You seem to be good at keeping it straight. So, good job with it and thank you for sharing your works with us.

Mike (MoA)

Sean Dillon posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 12:54pm

Arghhh! Another cliffhanger. I hope you aren't going to make us wait so long for resolution before posting the next chapter.

Brian Campbell posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 12:38pm

Hooray! A new chapter - at last. I really enjoyed this one. I'm sure you must get a lot of email asking for more updates, so I'll refrain - sort of.

Tooby becoming Birdie was a good development, and Hermione as Harry's Lady Fair something I didn't expect and haven't seen elsewhere - but I liked it. I know I would like to see Harry get more tutoring in "High Society" -type manners and customs; it is something very few fanfic authors attempt, and even fewer can do believably.

I really enjoy all of your writing and look forward to the next chapter.


Finbar posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 12:09pm

Well done Dorothy, I did like that chapter.
What I like best is the Wizarding sub-culture and archaic traditions. The concept of the Lady Fair is rather interesting. It also brings to mnd the question of, if Harry saves Ginny from the Basilisk, does he have two Ladies Fair?
A Harem?
Or is Ginny relegated to the role of Concubine or Mistress?
I'm also assuming that Harry 'Popped' away, House Elf style?



LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Tuesday 16th May 2006 11:37am

~sniff~ I miss this fic. ~sniff~