Content Harry Potter Sherlock


SpiderLily posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 6:43am

Oh, yay! They're all magical! I'm so excited!

Sean Dillon posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 6:36am

Woohoo! DUMBles overstepped his bounds and got smacked. Wonderful. Couldn't happen to a 'nicer' guy.

jilumasam posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 6:35am

For someone who is clueless about the Addams family, and never really understood the point of those cartoons etc... this story is very readable and from my perspective, no prior knowledge of the Adamms' is needed. Making it one of the more readable and enjoyable crossover fics.

Hope to see the next chapter soon

Logan_MacLeod posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 6:30am

I am loving this story. I can't wait for you to update. IT's gonna be sweet seeing Harry, Pugsly and Wednesday go to glorious Hogwarts if they go there.

walklightwhite posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 6:26am

Personally, I thought Dumbledore's actions fit well with what Dumbledore is currently going through in the story. Stress-free and quasi-relaxed Dumbledore would probably have handled the court case better, but...

I'm imagining a stress level beyond Hermione's in PoA, he's bound to do something considered 'OoC', like Hermione smacking Draco one. Just, as you'd expect, on a much greater scale.

Another great chapter, in a great fic.

SpiderLily posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 6:21am

Ooh, the next chapter sounds really interesting! Keep up the good work!

merf425 posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 6:20am

I very much loved Dumbledore's defeat. Thanks for the update! :)

ridmania posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 6:15am

lol what a great story!!! greatly put togther a great au universe!!! never would have thought it could work!!! cant wait to see how harry turns out when he gets older!!!! keep up the great work!!!

Todd Rodgers posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 6:04am

I really am getting a giggle out of this story. The one thing I'm having a little trouble swallowing is Dumbledore openly brandishing Obliviate in a courtroom -- he's always seemed a little more sly (and well-informed to normal methods such as taping) than to simply go in guns blazing. Of course this is obviously an AU, that's just the one piece that sits a little wonky with me.

As far as Gomez goes, though, fantastic.

special posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 6:04am

Yay!! Go Gomez!! soo good. Are Harry, Pugsly, and Wedensday going to go to Hogwarts or are they going to an American school?

Jeremy DuCharme posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:58am

hmm, is Dumbledore heading for a breakdown with him overusing the Timeturner?

Unlike other reviewers I suspect that strike three will not be Harry not going to Hogwarts. That seems a bit to passive and impersonal for a proper Addams revenge. I suspect that what happens to Dumbledore if he gets strike three will be painful, humiliating, public, and very memorable. A humilating revenge so epic that Gred and Forge would prostrate themselves in front of Gomez and beg 'Teach us Master!'

Ishtar replied:

hmm, is Dumbledore heading for a breakdown with him overusing the Timeturner?

*dingdingding* we have a winnah!   Yes, Dumbles is heading into a breakdown of sorts, caused by overwork due to his need to control *everything*.   He's a micro-manager, and is managing too much.   It's not as intense as what happened to Hermione, but bad enough.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:42am


Gomez Addams is the lawyer that most lawyers dread: the lawyer in it to protect his own from OTHER lawyers. Albus had better hope that Harry and Company stay away from Hogwarts; otherwise, it could actually be WORSE than when the Marauders were students!

Edward Becerra posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:38am

VERY nice! I'm glad to see Dumbles get thumped. Not as happy to see that he still hasn't accepted defeat, but then, he's always appeared that way in the novels.

It's good to see that Harry's American (well, sort of.. ^_^ ) upbringing is more progressive than the British - training wand and all. The addition of a brother and sister who might accompany him to Hogwarts makes it even better.

(Ron will $hit himself if Wednesday pulls out a spider for her pet...)

Ed Becerra

selenepotter posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:36am

this is a great fic!
More please!

KingDark posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:32am

I really like the chapter man. The only thing we would wait for now, is strike three, and the fact that dumbledore is OUT!!!
Anyway, I am exitingely awaiting the next chapter!
Keep up the nice work as usual! I wonder in what house harry would go to, probably hufflepuf because he is so loyal to his family and friends.
Good work (again)


Jennifer posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:32am

I'm enjoying the story. Just a quick typo:
<<Not all of the parents were easily reachable, of course, since most of them worked, and it was not surprising that Morticia and Gomez got their first.>>
I'm assuming you meant "there first."

Hope you're having as much fun writing as we are reading it!

Mark Safransky posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:22am

Wow! Harry grows up happy and fully integrated with the Addams Family. Nicely done! Loved the debacle at the court. I can just see that Dumbledore has really screwed things up. I wonder what will happen when it's time for the three children to attend a magical school. Pugsley first, of course, and seeing the way he is, I can see him trying some technomancy school in the States. Wednesday seems to favor Grandmama's liking for plants and potions and might follow her path. While Harry is already on the rolls for Hogwarts, it seems likely that while he might attend, things will certainly be different than if he had been raised by the Dursley's. Can't wait to see what happens next, keep up the great work!

Treck posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:19am


I can imagine that this is just a taste of the headaches to come for dear ol' Albus. I can't wait until Hogwarts starts.

Honebar posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:15am

All I wanted to say is that... I LOVE THIS STORY!!! Your story is the reason why I signed up for this site. I'm looking foward to seeing how Dumbles tries to get Harry into Hogwarts. Ha!

Ian Morgan posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:12am

great chapter
Please update soon