By Ishtar
jzysman posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 2:10pm
absolutely fantastic!! I love the setup and execution to get Remus into the picture... I am wondering if this is now strike three though?
The Resident posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 2:04pm
Another superb chapter. Your writing evokes in your readers (me anyway) the emotions your characters are feeling. That is a talent beyond imagining. That you choose to share your gift with us is a treasure beyond price. Thank you... Thank you very much.
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 1:28pm
Love it. I like the idea of Remus getting a chance to get to know Harry and find out that he is well taken care of, if not in a conventional manner. I also like the idea of Remus fearing Harry just a little. I imagine Pugsley going up to Remus and surprising him by reiterating what Harry said. 'If you try to hurt Wednesday again, Harry'll kill you. But I'll make sure that it's long and painful.'
Thanks for writing.
Mike (MoA)
Rorschach's Blot posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 1:21pm
Loved this part, can't say much more then that but I really loved this part. Good job.
AK posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 1:12pm
Disclamer: A statement made to save one's own ass.
You know Wednesday is such a strange name for a girl... :)
Ishtar replied:
You're not the only one who thinks so. Snape was ruminating on just that in the original scene I posted on the forum and PottersPlace3 ...
Nanio posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 1:08pm
I don't think that's how Remus would've reacted. He's usually too calm and level-headed to do something like that. I know that he has a soft spot for Harry, but he didn't even try to react that protectively in Cannon when he had the chance, like breaking into the shrieking shack, he could've hid his footsteps to cause an ambush but instead he walked loud enough to be heard, and he gave both Sirius and Pettigrew enough time to explain themselves. I'd like to think that a cannon Remus probably would've done the same with the Addams'.
With that said, I understand that you were trying to show how manipulative Dumbledore was, and I respect that. The fact that the Addams' understand that it was not all Lupin's fault also helps. I liked the chapter, and can't wait to read more.
The Resident posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 1:07pm
Looks like Harry got a 'normal' Addams upbringing. Ought to help him a lot in later life. Keep up the great work, lovely lady.
jilumasam posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 1:03pm
Nicely Done! Loved the discussion about the definition of Light, Dark and Evil.
reccaw posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 1:02pm
LOVE the Chapter title!!!!!!!!
Gardengirl posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 12:43pm
Lovin' it! Thanks!
The Resident posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 12:40pm
I just love seeing Manipulative!Dumbledore put in his place and you did a wonderful job of it. I couldn't stop smiling for a very long time. Keep up the great work.
DreamRed posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 6:10am
Brilliant story, and one of the best cross-overs in the HP fandom I've read. Very interesting choice, but so well carried out that it seems natural. I look forwards to the next chapter.
AO posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 5:12am
This is extremely excellent. Gomez is dead on and the premise is an interesting twist.
Darkness posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 3:58am
Morticia showed Dumbles who's boss, now didn't she XD! I rather wish the old man would let it drop once he realizes that Harry is happy and protected with the Addams.
Growing up Addams should leave Harry open-minded to almost any strange occurence. I hope you're planning on writing the Hogwarts years. It would be quite interesting to see what would change.
CRose posted a comment on Wednesday 15th November 2006 8:40pm
Heh, you might want to describe one of the tutors being driven from the house screaming. It's a staple of the Addams Family mythos. Having Harry be a part of it would be halarious. So what's the old codger going to try next.
Fate posted a comment on Wednesday 15th November 2006 3:04pm
I loved the ending to this chapter!
Wonderful story!!!
whimsical007 posted a comment on Wednesday 15th November 2006 2:45pm
"The Satanists were starting to leave a lot of junk (mostly beer cans) at their circles and were being very sloppy about their practices, so the children arranged black candles and wrote runes on the stones and left a sacrifice at one of the spots they frequently used, just to show them how it should be done. They were rather disappointed when the Satanists didn’t come back after that."
They just don't make Satanists like they used to. (Who... I mean what did they sacrifice?)
selenepotter posted a comment on Wednesday 15th November 2006 7:47am
I always thought Pippi Longstocking would get along well with the Addams kids. Perhaps she'll go the Hogwarts in the same year as one of them?
Great Fic!
More Please!
Ian Morgan posted a comment on Wednesday 15th November 2006 3:56am
fantastic chapter posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 2:30pm