Content Harry Potter Sherlock


D posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 7:24pm


I am pleased that you started to write for this series again. It has been bookmarked for months. It is original and funny. Please continue.


Frank Hacklander posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 7:16pm

just brilliant! although, just slightly disappointed that you had harry smoking a cigar at such a tender age. that said, i am not a puritan and it was in keeping with the story. looking fwd to seeing how you treat the rest of the weekend.

Ishtar replied:

It's not out of keeping with the Addamses.   Gomez started smoking at a very early age according to the first movie, and he gave a cigar to Pugsley at summer camp in the second.   (Note: Harry did not choke on the cigar.   This probably isn't his first one.)

noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 5:13pm

Shouldn't Harry be a lot more sly around Flint?
Love this story, and I sure hope DD gets his ears burned off by the parents.

Guy posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 4:17pm

Wow, another chapter already! It looks like your on a roll.

wilcoxha posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 3:30pm

This story continues to be wonderful! And thank god this chapter had more Gomez, I've missed him something fierce. The following exchange was perfect:
"Quirrell’s dead. I killed him," said Harry flatly.

"I assume you had reason," said Uncle Gomez. "You can’t go killing teachers just because you don’t like their class, you know."

Keep up the great work and thanks for another chapter so soon after the last one :-)

Davideg posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 3:29pm

heh thank you for this fantastic chapter i love that you maneged to update so quickly

Mouse posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 3:25pm

This is a excellent chapter update and a really interesting one as well. I didn't expect a update this fast, let alone one this good. Good day.

Lufio posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 3:20pm

I like the criticism of the strategy the Slytherin Quidditch team employs that Harry presented to the team. If you're going to cheat, cheat well and intelligently. If you're going to cheat badly, don't cheat at all.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 2:57pm

Giggled at Harry working out the Gryffindor strategy. Nice to see someone talking about proper tactics in the early games. The whole Quirrellmort bit was very fun too. Good chapter. More please.

Amamama posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 2:48pm

Wow - that was a fast update! Loved the parents roaming Hogwarts, Remus' map, the removing of Quirrelmort's leftovers - and the game! Wonderful. Harry's message to the captain at the end was spot on, but will he take it or will it mean more trouble for Harry?

Great work - keep it up!


Eric Oppen posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 2:29pm

Oh, boy.

And now we're going to watch Flint's little mind explode.

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 1:57pm

Great chapter. And so fast. You'll make us lay-abouts (me) look bad with that fast, inspired writing.

I liked his family's reaction to Quirelmort's remains. It was completely Aadams, although I am surprised that Harry even would question it. I know you did it so you could add Gomez's opinion of the Ministry, but I don't think Harry would be surprised after so many years with the family.

Thank you for writing.

Mike (MoA)

aboulhosnc posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 1:49pm

Awesome thank you so much, I know I can't expect the next update to be this quick but please at least do the next one in a week or so This was a good length for a chapter, and honestly I love your story also very original I like the idea of harry and the gang stealing the stone just to steal and not to get it before quirrel, thanks a bunch for the update

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 1:36pm

Good chapter. Lots of different things going on.

Thanks for sharing it with us.

Bobboky posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 1:34pm


Terry Swain posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 12:43pm

Great chapter. :)

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 12:21pm

*snicker* Ah, the archtypical Slytherin approach gets a fresh, and analytical, challenge. I suspect Harry's going to well and truly roil the waters with this move, but it sounds right. I don't feel sorry at all for Albus, he wants to play games, he's got to live with the consequences. I'm certain he doesn't appreciate, either, the breaking down of barriers between the Houses that Harry and the Addamses are leading, but there's nothing, really, he can do there.

I lvoe the reaction to their confession about Auirrel. Somehow, I don't think Tom or Albus is going to have the simple time either had expected.

Wolfric posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 11:47am

Great chapter. I love Harry teaching fair play to the Slytherin team. I think killing the teacher and getting rid of the evidence is so quitesentially Addams family, especially Gomez's comments. I think I didn't review last chapter but I thought it was great as well. I like action so chapters with ample action are most apreciated. Thanks, W.

Prince Charon posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 11:46am

Very interesting. I wonder what Lupin's trap is.

Thank you very much for updating so fast.

More soon, please.

fountaam posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 11:39am

Lovely. Is there a meeting with the staff upcoming for the PTA?
