Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 7:11pm

Awww, poor Remus! Albus is being truly stupid about this whole thing but I suspect if he wasn't we'd have problems finding something for the Addams to defend Harry against. Excellent chapter. More please. This is so very fun.

Brad1 posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 7:08pm

oh god i can't wait to see what happens when he tells bumbles he's staying with the addams permanently! of please keep up the awesome writing!

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 6:46pm

I'm so glad Remus is smart! He already realized that Dumbledore manipulated him into going to find Harry and make decisions without all the information. I like the fact that Harry is more important to Remus than Dumbledore's agenda! I can understand the title better now! Of course the Adams family has stolen Dumbledore's Werewolf! They were honest and upfront with Remus. So was Harry. This is a really good story. Of course all three of the children should go to Hogwarts. It is the next best step after Remus teaches them as much as he can of course. Thanks so much for writing. I am caught up with the reading now so I guess I have to wait for your next update. Thanks again, pms

redjacobson posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 6:35pm

Strike three! *GRIN*


Chris1 posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 6:31pm

Can't wait to see Dumbledore's reaction :D

Great chapter :)


Arkeus posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 6:22pm

Ah... I was wondering how you were going to do it. I would have preferred a more subtle approach from Remus, but at least he didn't attack anybody.

Albus' acting skills are very good in this fic :-)

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 6:16pm

*chuckle* By the time this visit is over, I suspect Dumbledore and his (currently inactive) group of Fried Feathered Friends (saw that in another fic and loved it ;) ) will be minus one werewolf. *shakes head* It does make you wonder just -why= he wants Harry back in England so intensely.

My thanks for a most enjoyable read.

Dave Harris posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 6:03pm

And another of Dumbledore's plans goes awry (the manipulative old codger)...

I notice that Remus hasn't told them that he's a werewolf, even though he's been invited to stay for a fortnight - is this something that will come up in the next chapter? Presumably, the Addamses will have no particular problem with him being a "dark creature", but they're not going to be happy that he hasn't made that clear!

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 6:02pm

Very good. It is great to see Harry learning so much from the Adams family. I like Grandmama's method of teaching potions. It is like cooking no matter how much Snape says it isn't! Of course Dumbledore isn't going to give up! Where would the story go if he did? It just wouldn't be the same with out the old man's meddling! So let's see what he is going to try this time. Thanks for writng. pms

jenks posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 5:44pm

love it

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 5:34pm

It would appear that Dumbledore has put his foot in it big time. It would have been better if he had gotten to know the Adames' better and become a friend instead of an enemy. Harry may not be going to Hogwarts afterall! That would be too bad. I look forward to see where you go from here! Thanks for writing. pms

Teresa Lynne posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 4:54pm

I hope that Gomez, Morticia and Remus tell Dumbledore to get lost! It's bad enough that Dumbledore ignored Lily and James's will, but deceive Remus like that....sigh. But at least they're willing to give Remus a chance. Hmmmmm.....perhaps Gomez could work out another nasty legal suprise for Dumbledore over the will! It would serve him right! It looks like strike three for sure now! I can't wait to see how the Addams family deals with Snape! Thanks for another enjoyable chapter!

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 4:48pm

This was a good introduction for Dumbledore to the Adams family. Of course Grandmama is quite
strange about meals and their descriptions. Son of a Bitch stew is right up her alley. I like the subtle magic of the Adams family house.
It is good that they showed Dumbledore the adoption papers. It will be interesting to see how things develope. Thanks for writing. pms

Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 4:30pm

Nice try, Albus. You're so lucky that Remus disclaimed you sending him; you'd be a long time cooking in Grandmama's Son-of-a-bitch Stew.

Knowing Albus, Strike Three will come about either at the beginning of Christmas hols Harry's first year, or at the end of it, by trying to stop him from going back to the Addams'.

Question is; the werewolf followed Harry home; can Harry keep him? ^_^ (Remus J.L. Addams, anyone?)

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 4:19pm

This is very good. I like the conversation with Morticia after Petunia left the party. It just might plant a seed in her mind about a better way to raise her son. I hope so anyway. I look forward to more of this story.
Thanks for writing. pms

Alex00 posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 4:05pm

Great work.

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 3:45pm

Of course I have always figured that Morticia was a witch. I love the Adams family show and movies. This will be fun. It will be even more fun to see how Petunia reacts to the Adams family in the daylight!

Thanks for writing. pms

Autumn Raine posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 3:36pm

I've been looking everywhere for a story like this! Thank you! I love that you have brought Remus into the storyline now, I just wish there was a way to bring Sirius into it as well. Oh well, I suppose I can't have everything I want.

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 3:24pm

This is deffinitely a differnt poin of view. I am looking forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. pms

Davideg posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 3:13pm

this is a fantastic story thank you for sharing it please update agin a.s.a.p.