Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Edward Becerra posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 4:15pm

The only problem I have with this chapter is really a nit pick... Lurk knows more than two words.

If nothing else, his *canon* "Follow mee..." is proof of that.

And the non-canon "Do The Lurch" song that Ted Cassidy did years ago is very amusing, and can be found on the (free online) album "Ghouls with Attitude".

I agree with you, though, his groans were really quite expressive. ^_^

Ed Becerra

Ishtar replied:

Fixed. I haven't had a chance to watch the shows again; I'd forgotten that he said anything but "You raaang?"  

Lufio posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 4:11pm

A haunted house, eh? Don't think it's the Shrieking Shack, since it had no caretaker mentioned in the third book.

Curious what building or estate you're going to bring into this. Will it be a historically famous one?

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 4:10pm

Another excellent chapter. You have my interest peaked about what house they will be letting, but I don't believe that it will be the shrieking shack, as that doesn't seem to quite fit. I don't know of another. Maybe something famous in Muggle British society?

I look forward to the sort of demonstrations and spectables that the kids will make in front of the whole school. I imagine Draco tied to a stake in place of the head table surrounded by huge split logs as fire wood. They would only be talked down when Remus reminds them of their promise to not burn the school down as he points at the wood rafters twenty feet above. I believe that the headmaster will be glad that Remus is there to reason with the walking terrors.

Thanks for writing.

Mike (MoA)

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 4:08pm

They wouldn't, by chance, be moving into the old Riddle mansion, now would they? *snickers* Poor Tom won't know what hit him....

n4zhg posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 3:56pm

Please tell me they didn't just lease the Riddle House?

fountaam posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 3:50pm

Love it!

patsh posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 1:03pm

Your description of the play room was wonderful. I can just imagine the His and Hers bed of nails and the other torture implements that used to populate the play room in the original show. Thank you for another excellent chaper.

Donald Deutsch posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 8:40am

Interesting story so far, and I am liking following it.

Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 10:50pm

Excellent! Three cheers for the Addams Family!

Dumbledore deserves to be drawn and quartered for all his interference!

Terry Swain posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 1:35pm

Great Chapter. :)

candy posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 12:09pm

lol a death threat then child curiousity!!^_^ so cute!!^_^

Howard posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 10:19am

Great chapter again, per usual. Also, genius title. Keep up the great work.

Ivy_Snowe posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 9:44am

Dumbledore is a horrible old man. And I'm glad Remus is going to be involved. He's my favorite adult in the books. And most of the fanfics too. So, great chapter, cheers.


SpiderLily posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 8:41am

Ooh, Remus! I love Remus... Please update soon!

DreamRed posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 7:20am

Great chapter, and a nice way to introduce Remus. Looking forwards to the next.

selenepotter posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 4:41am

Great chapter!

Tumshie posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 3:48am

To quote a fast food ad, "I'm Lovin'It' a really enjoyable fic, I hope you take it on through Hogwarts, I look forward to being further entertained by your fine story telling

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 3:03am

From the title, I was expecting Remus to convert this chapter. Still a good chapter, though.

"I am Gomez Addams, the Addams of Addams." Ooooh, I hope that's going to mean something interesting. :-)

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Ishtar replied:

"I am Gomez Addams, the Addams of Addams." Ooooh, I hope that's going to mean something interesting. :-)

;-)   Good catch!   Yes, it should be interesting.   I hope.

Chris McFadden posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 3:02am

<smirks> Yep. Definitely one big happy here. And Lupin doesn't have a /clue/ what he's just stepped into. Fun, no?

Lyman Louie posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 1:54am

Another great chapter. Looking forward to the next chapter.