Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Also_Iris posted a comment on Saturday 12th January 2008 10:40pm

I loved this chapter, as follows form this rather long review.

Harry was actually finding this financial stuff interesting. He’d never guessed it could be so exciting. There was a Queen and a Royal Wizard and absconding with fortunes in the middle of the night! He envisioned Charles Adams and Rowland Dee slinging huge bags of galleons into a rowboat, and rowing with muffled oars to meet a ship to the mysterious New World.

Yes, had I know that I would have chosen a different study too :-)

So Uncle Gomez is going to arrange for a trail for Mr. Black is he?

'Yes of course mister ministry official, the man is obviously as guilty as they come... no I do not question your decision not to waste time and community money on a unnecessary trail. But you see, my client, a Mr. H.J. Potter.. oh you have hearth of him?.. well he has been hurt through Blacks actions, forced to grow up without knowing his parents. Is it so strange, he wants to know what drove the man, why his parents where betrayed by one they toughed of as their friend? To put it plainly the poor orphaned boy needs closure, and this is as close as he can get. You would not deny him that would you?'

How surprised will they all be, when it turns out Mr. Backs story is a bit different. Ah poor Gomez, jet another trail he'll loose, good thing he is used to it. :-)
Pity though that the ministry decided to invite all that press, no amount of damage control will keep the facts from hitting the streets. And then Gomez will be forced to help Sirius to get proper repairs, as a way to make excuses for thinking so badly of him. Just Politics, nothing personal, Minister Fudge would understand.
I do wonder what the ministry is going to sell to raise the repair money. I hope, for Fudge, there are a few obsolete laws that someone with money wants repelled...

Sorry I got caught up in my fancy. I just love to picture how this story might play out, you open so many new angles. Which is truly remarkable, given the amount of fanfiction already written.

We clean this up, burn the candles.

NOOOO!! They will regret that at some point those could become so handy.

"Squaws are in charge anyway. We just let the chiefs think they’re running things."

I read the Lord of the Rings too, you know.

The ring was carefully stashed in Harry’s vault. It had stopped insisting that he wear it after he had threatened to throw it into an active volcano.

That's how to deal with those magical little blighters.
So why was the ring insisting Harry wear it...
1. Because the Peverell ring is a deadly hallow and has dark powers that will influence the wearer to help the ring along to get its way? So all the Lord-of-the-ring references were correct.
2. Because being a Potter, Harry descents from the third Peverell brother and as no descendent of the second Peverell brother has been around to wear it for decades, the ring wishes to adopt Harry as the head of Peverell house. (Not that there is any thing to that name but old prestige and hunted artefacts.)
3. Because both the ring and Harry are Horcruxes formed of the some soul and the ring craves to unite itself with another part of the soul it was split from.
4. Because the owner put a hex on it that activates when someone else wears it. As is implied in book six.

Horcruxes are a very handy device for not-dying. Strange their use is not more wide spread. Could it be that most people realise there is a downside to leaving pieces of your soul lying around. Considering what mayhem a witch or wizard can do with ones toe-nails alone, I'd shudder to think what possibilities arise when they get their hand on part of your soul.
Given that these are the Addams, he picked a fight with Voldemort might well learn that there are indeed much more terrible things than dead. Especially if you have rendered yourself immortal and your situation last for ever.
Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatus nunc.

I am wondering which head of house are going to get deal with the challenge of one or more of the Terrible Trio.
Putting them all in the same house makes it easier to have them interact with each other, but more difficult to interact with student not in their house.
Putting them in different houses will help to get the story school focussed instead of house focussed. And if one of the three ends up in Salazars Lair it might have a interesting influence in inter-house alliances because the other two will never deny him/her.

All are fiercely family loyal, and the Addams family believes in contributing to society. They are not afraid of hard work, although they tend to disguise it as a game. So they might go for Hufflepuff. Hogwards will never be the same after Hufflepuff rises to its rightful place of Lordship over the other houses.

Harry is know to be a little dare devil and the others are not afraid to follow his lead. Gomez's swavvy could be seen as valour and they are certainly courtly and honourable - abide within their own special branch of honour. So Griffindor is an option. Although someone should think of starting a betting pool about how long it will take for the centaurs to revolt against having explosives fired into their forest on a regular basis.

None of the children seem lacking in the mental department, and they love learning, at least when it is presented by Addams style teaching. They might find Hogwards deadly dull. Bored students are hell for the teaching staff. However, I have not heart them complaining about Salem. Then again, we have not heart how big a partly the Salem staff threw to lament the loss of three students. We have seen some odd Ravenclaws in the books, so they might fit right in.

The Addams don't seem to be particularity ambitious. Probably because they already are as arrived as can be. Harry's Destination might count as ambition. They are deceptive and cunning and all that though. And having Harry especially in the House which carries the bulk of the death eater children could be very interesting. Especially if you consider the statement JKR made on her webside about the old DE crowd hoping that the boy-who-lived would turn out to be an even stronger dark wizard then Voldemort and that they could unite around him for another round. Once they get to know the Addams family they'll really get their hopes up ;-)
And just to think how disturbing that would be for Dumbledore; his poster boy of the light courted by the darkest of the darkest of families... and Talking to them!
Of course starting with talking instead of throwing curses, would be good; at least some of the once death eaters will have developed a more mature view on the world, and probably realized that whatever revolutionary agenda Voldemort promised them got side tracked with the murder and mayhem.

I won't make a House vote after all, I am convinced that what ever you do it will turn out marvellous.

Ishtar replied:


So Uncle Gomez is going to arrange for a trail for Mr. Black is he?

'Yes of course mister ministry official, the man is obviously as guilty as they come... no I do not question your decision not to waste time and community money on a unnecessary trail. But you see, my client, a Mr. H.J. Potter.. oh you have hearth of him?.. well he has been hurt through Blacks actions, forced to grow up without knowing his parents. Is it so strange, he wants to know what drove the man, why his parents where betrayed by one they toughed of as their friend? To put it plainly the poor orphaned boy needs closure, and this is as close as he can get. You would not deny him that would you?'

How surprised will they all be, when it turns out Mr. Backs story is a bit different. Ah poor Gomez, jet another trail he'll loose, good thing he is used to it. :-)
Pity though that the ministry decided to invite all that press, no amount of damage control will keep the facts from hitting the streets. And then Gomez will be forced to help Sirius to get proper repairs, as a way to make excuses for thinking so badly of him. Just Politics, nothing personal, Minister Fudge would understand.
I do wonder what the ministry is going to sell to raise the repair money. I hope, for Fudge, there are a few obsolete laws that someone with money wants repelled...

is elegantly delicious, and more succinct than what I was working on.   May I steal borrow it?

Carlos posted a comment on Friday 11th January 2008 2:07pm

when is the next update???

Aelita posted a comment on Tuesday 8th January 2008 9:10am

WOW! This is such a great story, I really hope you poste again soon, your last posting was last year!

darkangel628 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th January 2008 5:06am

please write more please

Terdwilicker posted a comment on Tuesday 8th January 2008 3:02am

As I read this, I realize, with some amusement, that the Addams family are Hufflepuffs. Their loyalty, their ability in potions and herbology, animal and magical creatures management. All three will sort into Hufflepuff. I hope that's what you've actually written in later chapters.

Immortalitis posted a comment on Sunday 6th January 2008 8:21pm


Amazing story so far. Hilarious, the work Gomez does.

Post more fast!


Also_Iris posted a comment on Friday 4th January 2008 2:56am

So the Family is actually a lot more help to the unfortunates than the great kind Dumbedore, who only helped selected individuals and then only half way. Of course given the eccentricity of the Addams people there are bound to be some weres of some kind within the Family.

Somehow, I was imagining Remus running under the full moon alongside some fierce wolf-bitch, but that’s all just my overtly romantic imagination.

I am the Deputy Headmistress and Professor Transfiguration.
Should that not be the Transfiguration Professor or the Professor for Transfiguration

Enchantments and Jinxes&Hexes.
Ok, enchantments maps to Charms, I suppose, but Jinxes and Hexes... is Salem merely subdividing the wanded magics more or are the children going to find Hogwards to have a more restrictive curriculum then they are used to?

Eh, this absentee landlord, he wouldn't be somewhere in Albania would he be? I that case I sure hope it is possible to ward his own property against a wizard.

Also_Iris posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2008 3:43am

Does Dumbledore really fear the things he says he fears or is he making it all up to influence Remus. He is an annoying interfering old coot, but if he believes what he says he fears for Harry I'll give him some slack.

You'd find that the authorities hereabouts are not very fond of grown men who chase little children through the woods. Neither are some of the other people they have in their custody. I think I can guarantee that you'd have a very unpleasant time of it.

Indeed why exercise yourself if your victim already has enough rope to hang himself with and tied himself noose too. 

Nice view on Light/Dark and Good/Evil, how would you define Light or Dark?

Also_Iris posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 6:35am

Oh you answered my review.

So they are going to Britain later, to Hogwards, all tree? Now, that will be a Truly Terrible Trio!

As for dark new-world not-quite magical family back on ancestral grounds...
I can quite see the Addams visiting their British family members on Halloween. At a graveyard shared with one of the dark-death-eater families... I'll include the view as an appreciation gift. (If you'd rather I hadn’t, feel free to delete it.)

Mrs. Addams:"... yes a very dreadful thing to befall anyone, but the family prevailed of course, now his son, that would be great-uncle December, he then set forth to ..."

She turns to look at the middle aged man and woman that had been approaching them, both with a curious twisted face that seemed to try to depicture astonishment, horror and awe at the same time.

Mr. Addams: " Pleased to meet you, what did you say your names where just jet? I am Gomez Addams and these are my lovely wife Morticia, my brother Fester and grandma. The children are searching the rest of the graveyard for more family members to wake tonight."

The man seemed at loss for words for some reason and just nodded, but the woman remembered how to use her tongue:" Merope Nott, so pleased to meet you. My husband, Abraha. I do believe your have a son and daughter in our sons year at Hogwards?"


"... no we are here to salute our ancestors only, we do not 'wake' them. You see, Necromancy has been illegal here in Britain for over two centuries, very unfortunate." said Abraham Nott.

"Illegal!" Gomez cried, "to visit ones ancestors, properly greet them and get them up to date on how the Family is faring. Illegal? An Holy Duty it is! Illegal, an outrage! Up the barricades, overthrow those who mean to suppress us!" Gomez had climbed upon one of the half buried grave stones to gain some height and was waiving around with his cigar as if addressing imagined masses.

Mr. Nott while being somewhat disturbed by the theatrics could not agree more. "Oh Yes. An outrage. And the silly law states that it is to protect the rest of the deceased against disturbance."

At this Gomez jumped of the grave stone and landed just in front of one of the walking dead. " Felonius Nocturus Addams, my dear great-great- great-great-great-Grand-Father and great- great-great-great-grand-Uncle, please do tell me, am I disturbing you?"

As for the current chapter:

And of course the words they tried first were the classics: "hocus pocus" and "abracadabra."

Uh oh...

Grandmama showed the children a book that said that Hocus pocus was only part of a longer incantation. The first part was a distraction. The second part, tontus talontus, created a flash and a bang. The third part, vade celeriter jubeo, was a disappearing spell. Put together, the whole spell was very useful for a traveling magician, and each part could be used separately as well.

And there was I thinking it was all tricks and mirrors.

Brilliant! To have a six year old throw an unforgivable curse. Too absurd for words :D

Look, you wouldn’t give a six-year-old a loaded gun, would you? Never mind, maybe you would.
Of course, it would be great fun to play with, and the House would keep them safe.
By the way, I love it how you made the House semi sentient, it fits for a magic dwelling place.

And Morticia can do a mild spell, either with a practice wand, wandless or she's hiding a real one somewhere. Of course Addams don't kill, Accidentally :-)

The first rule about enemies… LOL

So Charles Addams left Britain one year after the Statute of Secrecy came in effect, I wonder if there is a story to that. And whether the Addams retain some 300 year old habits that the British magicals have forgotten. If they do they might very well appear to be purer than the purebloods, culturally speaking. Oh the drama that could cause…

I am so anticipating where you go with this story, each chapter adds more potential. And it is nicely spaced to; too many stories starting with Baby-Harry go though every nappy that needs to be changed.

He also let Harry read one of the biographies that had been published about him, and helped him compose a letter of outrage to the publisher.

The Satanists ... that nearly caused me to spray my tea.

Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 2:32am

I just read this chapter again - still a highly entertaining and funny read. I noticed that at the end of the chapter, Snape calls Malfoy the 'Prince of Slytherin' in his narration. Is that because it is all but a foregone conclusion to him that he will be sorted into Slytherin, or was that unintended?


Also_Iris posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 2:32am

"For real, or pretend?"

And only an Addams could ask this question seriously. I love how you depict the Addamses, I hope however we get to see some of the characters from the books to.

After Harry discovered his special ability, he did draw one line — he wouldn't eat anything he could talk to, which ruled out rattlesnake stew.


The way the Addamses are running circles around Dumbledore are nice to. I believe he should be very happy they devote themselves to the family and not to say international wizarding politics. I take it that Gomez knows about the Potter heritage including wizengamot seat? I wonder if he is saving the Potters political and economical power for strike three.
The intelligent thing to do would be for Dumbles to explain the Vapormort situation and try to become allies. But then he would not be in controll.

Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Sunday 30th December 2007 2:31am

Great new chapter! I love how the Addams swooped in with their forceful personalities and got some long overdue changes started. Its been great seeing Snape put in his place as well as Malfoy (both of them). As for Dumbledore, one could almost feel sorry for the old man seeing it all slip through his fingers... that is if he wasn't such a conniving, manipulative old bastard.

Though I also fear for the safety of Gomez and Morticia in particular given how thoroughly they are pissing off both Dumbledore and Malfoy. I only hope that the Addams' resiliency and good fortune through adversity holds true to the end.

Despite my dislike of cliffhangers, like the mild one this chapter ends on, I am enjoying this immensely. This is a great fic and you have the humor and characterizations done very well. I love reading about a Harry with a backbone and living by the Addams' family motto.

Also_Iris posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 9:12am

Most of them, however, were connected to persons or places in which he had an interest. Nothing intrusive, mind you, he had no interest in violating anyone’s privacy — but if a little modest surveillance saved a life, it was worth it, wasn’t it?

Of course not, he himself wouldn't mind at all if someone would do the same to.. pardon.. for him.

Yes. They are still writing!

He hoped to get some official assistance in collecting the missing child, and indeed received some initial encouragement from the local Aurors, but that assistance seemed to dry up after he mentioned the name ‘Addams’.

Ah so they have some contact with the magical community and they seem to be just as respected there as amongst the Muggles.

Good. I would hate to think she reneged on our agreement. The results could have been … unpleasant.

That sounds like their is some magic of Addams origin added. And the Aurors know them, have you made them an American magical family then. But Morticia said they were not... something is going on here.

"As you arranged? Why did you have any say in Harry's placement?" asked Gomez, his eyes glittering. "Are you the executor of his parents' wills? Are you his trustee or guardian?"

"I told you, I am the Headmaster at Hogwarts School."

"A position with no official status, sir. At least none of which I am aware. Certainly not the authority to place an orphaned child."

And that is the million dollar question. And of all the people to ask it, it actually comes from an Addams. This is too funny.

A slightly older boy looked at Dumbledore, his eyes growing wider and wider, and then he screamed in terror and ran out of the room again.

What shall I say... little children have good instinct on who thay can trust and Pugsley is a lot smarter than he looks...

Not being tired and confused by a house that wants me to leave I conclude that the Addams family was once magic and dark. Or maybe they could still be considered dark. Dark but not linked to the death eater movement. Would that not be interesting if they ever get to interact with the Britisch magical community.

This story is just sooo funny.
Thanks for writing.

Ishtar replied:

[quote]Would that not be interesting if they ever get to interact with the Britisch magical community.[/quote]

Just keep reading ....   :-D

Also_Iris posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 7:56am

Ah, thank you Thing!

"See, Harry, Pugsley’s playing! He likes you. So you just throw something back, and he’ll know you like him, too."

Observing Morticia with the children, one can see just how the Addams Family stays odd over the generations. It's all nuture.

I love how you describe the house and the family so well. And the smell of herb tea ;-)

"Who wouldn’t want to marry my daughter?" cried Gomez

Every father thinks it, but trust Gomez to say it.

"There might be spells on me?" Petunia practically squeaked.

"And your house," said Morticia, calmly. "If the people who murdered your sister came for Harry, you might be forced to defend him."

"Then let me sign this and get them off," said Petunia,

And that pictures exacly why Harry is better of with the Addamses.

"Gomez and Morticia licked each others’ thumbs clean."
You write them so beautifully, I can see them doing precisely that.

Petunia thinking about her life, I wonder how that will effect the Dursley family in the future. Dudley will be less spoiled and maybe now Harry is out of the house he will have a joynger sibling to share with and look out for. He might even learn to be responsible!

Will Petunia and Morticia keep writing? I think it would be wholesome for Petunia to hear an outsiders opinion on matters. Maybe Morticia will even be able to tease some magic out of her.

Also_Iris posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 2:07am

"Irish twins, we were so proud".

Yes, she's an Addams :-)

I have this feeling that I should bet on Petunia screaming before either Harry or Fester tonight, as the Addamses residence tends to be an Adventure even at day time...

Also_Iris posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 12:20am


Nice start.
And a sensible explanation about how Harry ended up in the cubboard.

I loved the Mr. and Mrs. Numbers, gives a nice view of the neighborhood.

CRose posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 6:24am

Oooh, I like this chapter. The long wait, and then my missing the last update, were well worth it. Dumbledore is going to blow a gasket before the end of the year. Pure AAdams Family. Heh

maikko posted a comment on Wednesday 12th December 2007 7:40am

great story so far cant wait for the next ch.

AwayWeGo posted a comment on Tuesday 11th December 2007 12:46pm

I absolutely love this story! Usually I'm not a big fan of crossovers, but this is absolutely brilliant. Excellent work! I hope to see you update soon.

SaphirePhoenix posted a comment on Tuesday 11th December 2007 6:19am

This is amazing! Please update!