By Ishtar
Crys posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 9:30am
> someone he trusted watching over the Potter boy.
"Someone HE trusted"? Yikes. He loses the round but still manages to make it sound as if he won.
> Of course, I sometimes do get some other kinds of attention, but that can’t be helped.
*laugh* And platinum, no less!
> Transmogrification,
Oooh, C&H, Dorothy?
A PTA with Morticia very active? That will prove . . . interesting, I'm sure. Especially when she and Lucius (or maybe Narcissa) bump heads. And I wonder what Gran Longbottom will think of her.
> Remus owed him, and he would make sure Remus wouldn’t forget it.
Oh, dear . . . If he's fully integrated into the Addams family, that could backfire with truly explosive results.
Hmm. Wonder what Gomez was doing with the goblins. I mean aside from purchasing what I think is the Shrieking Shack.
Ishtar replied:
> someone he trusted watching over the Potter boy.
"Someone HE trusted"? Yikes. He loses the round but still manages to make it sound as if he won.
He's just a wee bit ... delusional at this point.> Of course, I sometimes do get some other kinds of attention, but that can’t be helped.
*laugh* And platinum, no less!What, you think he should wear silver? I was originally thinking he should wear a ruby and gold stud, but realized it would probably be uniform among all Reservists so as to be easily recogizable. So ... something that looks like silver, but isn't, and doesn't cause reactions (even non-werewolves can be allergic to silver alloys).
Hmm. Wonder what Gomez was doing with the goblins. I mean aside from purchasing what I think is the Shrieking Shack.
The Shack does not have an absentee landlord and a groundskeeper. Try again.
CootiePatootie posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 9:21am
Oh I do look forward to the return to England.
I like the idea of the Werewolf Reserve. A healthy Remus is SUCH a good idea.
The Addams Manor, England Branch, eh? hmm, have to see that one.
I wonder if the Addams will set up a Reserve in England? Lord knows, they need one.
As always, great update. Believe me when I say, I prefer substance to disclaimers any day (even if it *was* funny).
Terry Swain posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 9:05am
Great chapter. why do i get the feeling the new house is tom riddles old home.
Federico Buelna posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 9:03am
Please.. tell me that they didn't buy "The Riddle House"... hehehe, great chapter, looking forward to the next one.
Ishtar replied:
Okay ... they didn't buy it. They rented it. (That's what "to let" means)
patsh posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 9:01am
Another wonderful chapter. This story continues to amuse and enthrall me. I loved the touch of the hangman's nooses hanging in each room with the following gong crash. In my minds eye, I could see the shock of guests to the home in the television show each time Lurch was summoned.
The Doctor Who reference had me laughing out loud. Thank you so much for your continued contributions.
The Editor posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 8:46am
Your story has been adorable so far. After all, it's a combination of two of my favourite fictions.
I do have one suggestion, though it's more of a personal preference: could Hermione become friends with them? It would seem to me that all of her bossiness is really a front for her insecurities, and that the Addams children could show her how to confront those insecurities and throw them away; after all they don't care what anyone who's not Family thinks or says anyway. It would be good for her to growth as a character. I also think it would be cute if you instigated either a Harry/Wednesday and Pugsley/Hermione, or a Harry/Wednesday/Hermione and Pugsley/Luna romance, but that's entirely up to you.
I do ask that you don't go the route of making Ron and Hermione friends (especially not having a romantic relationship) their personalities clash FAR too much for them to get along (if you haven't noticed, at least once each book Ron does something so supremely insensitive - like the jerk he is - and makes Hermione extremely upset, leaving her either in tears or angry - one of the causes of this is also her own insecurities - and the reason Harry doesn't do anything about it is that he doesn't want to lose his first friend). The only reason that Harry put up with Ron (and Ginny by association) in canon is that Ron was his first friend, and continueing on that train of thought, the only reason Hermione put up with Ron is because he is Harry's friend. If Harry had never been there, no one would have saved Hermione from the Troll, and she would be friendless, with Ron off with Seamus and Dean, making fun of Neville and Hermione.
So, please, all I ask is that you don't forget Hermione, she could be very good for all of the Addams children, just as they for her.
Thank you,
The Editor
PS: Please email me back.
Ishtar replied:
Hermione will become friends with the Potter/Addams crew. Ron ... there may be problems. Aside from the Harry/Wednesday implied by the Betrothal Contract, the kids will be too young at first for any kind of serious relationships. Really, they're eleven!
I'm not much of a R/Hr fan, either. That relationship has too much of a possibility of becoming abusive. I think either Lavender or Luna would be better for him, and the few times I've seen Neville/Hermione, it's worked out pretty well.
As for emailing you back, it would help if you gave me your address.
GEmory posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 8:03am
I've been very bad and haven't reviewed yet. I have to admit that at first I was thinking "you've got to be kidding" when I saw the Addams Family combined with Harry Potter. But you are a really talented writer, and I LOVE your story. I'm eagerly waiting for updates and look forward to the kids arriving at Hogwarts. I'm especially looking forward to seeing their interactions with other children like Draco and Ron. Thanks for writing!
jilumasam posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 7:51am
Nicely done! Very easy to read and follow along. Dumbles isn't going to like finding out his pet werewolf has found new loyalties.
baka_onna2003 posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 7:47am
That was very nice. Update as soon as you can!
Manatheron posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 7:40am
And now the fun Begins!
RedPat posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 7:18am
After reading some other reviews, it strikes me: Charles Felonius Addams moved from England to America (presumably trailing an angry mob). Is there an Addams family vault at Gringotts? And what on earth could be in there?
Ishtar replied:
Ah, now we're getting into the interesting questions. Without getting into too much detail, I tell you that no, there isn't an Addams family vault at Gringotts. Charles Adams did indeed move from England to America, trailing a bunch of folks who were angry that he pulled his money OUT of Gringotts before they could steal it from him. (That's when he added the "Felonius" to his name, to celebrate his achievement - the extra "d" is in honor of his partner in crime, Rowland Dee). Needless to say, he was not happy with the pure-blood establishment of his day, and his descendants aren't much, either.
RedPat posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 7:13am
This story is WONDERFUL! The Addams family is very accurately portrayed, lots of logical points are being addressed, and Dumbledore is being driven nuts.
Excellent work!
cvilla1974 posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 6:45am
Another amazing chapter!!! I'm glad you're making the Addams family a force to be reckoned with and making Dumbledore look like a fool. What's next? Hopefully another update from you soon...
Griever posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 6:39am
*dies laughing* Let me guess. Riddle Manor?
Good reading, as always. I'd say you've managed to capture both spirit and letter of the Addams, and do a hell of a job while you were at it.
I'm eager to see more of this.
xalphardx posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 6:32am
Most excellent, please update again!!!
mikek posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 6:24am
good chapter. Wonder where the house is ? is it the riddle house?
~Mikee posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 6:13am
Another fine couple of chapters. I really loved how you (.excuse me, the Addamses.) took care of Remus. Loved the reserve concept. Will he still take advantage of that while in England.?
Sooooo just what was Gomez doing in England while Albus was in Westfield.? That seems quite -- -- coincidental that they should cross paths. *grin*
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Thank you.
Ishtar replied:
Coincidence? What is this 'coincidence' of which you speak? :-D
selenepotter posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 6:05am
Are the Addams' moving into the Riddle House? If so, what will happen when the Riddler returns?
Miguel Cadena posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 6:04am
In an aswer of a review you said that you are considering introducing a cameo of the Munsters, that will be amazing!!
I can see them related to the Addams, with a born vampire as granpa, the halfblood daughter, the human construct; Herman who is probably Addams by adoption (Munster)or by parts ;}, their son who have werewolf traits(bitten as a child like Remus? or maybe some part of Herman was werewolf) and of course the normal one, there is always a odd person in every family. I can see her with Sirius(it will be cute) and by the way I still vote for the Remus/Tonks relationship, she is weird and funny in her own way can be quite good for Remus (besides she is a nice of Sirius, it will make him happy to have him in the family).
Maybe they can get on vacation to the UK and stay with the Addams for a while?
any way its was an amazing idea and I hope you find the inspiration to do it.
ThunderGod posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 9:37am