Content Harry Potter Sherlock


KC posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 3:46pm

Fantastic chapter!

I'm surprised Malfoy and Addams didn't get into a bidding war to offer the largest donation.

Thanks for the update!

Angus Hardie posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 3:41pm

Wow, that ending sent a shiver down my spine as I read it!

I loved the latest chapter, The Addams vs Dumbledore was just perfectly done and I loved Grandmama (Potion Mistress Frump?) vs Snape.

Continuing brilliantly of course and I look forward to the next chapter.

stmurashige posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 3:31pm

Thank you very much for the update! I really enjoyed the Eudora Frump revelation and the way Gomez was able to maneuver into the Board of Governors Chairmanship. Am eager to see how the fallout from Wednesday's insight goes.

Mouse posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 3:21pm

This is a excellent chapter update. I can't wait for the next chapter update.

Anniejay posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 3:19pm

thank you for returning I missed your story

david4 posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 3:03pm

Awesome, glad to see this story is back on track, its one of my favorites.

Patrick posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 2:35pm

Lucius Malfoy losing power by the methoud he gained is perfect justce.

aboulhosnc posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 2:33pm

While I am glad to see you updated finally, and this is really one of my favorite stories. I kind of expected it to be longer to make up for the time. Oh well. Now onto to this chapter. I think you can move the plot along more than you have as the time at hogwarts has been starting to drag

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 2:25pm

Cool. Great chapter. I loved how Dumbledore was routed and Snape was smacked down then given what he wanted, in a way that helped Harry and friends immensely. Great jabs at HBP and DH. Not finishing DH, I'm sure I missed some of them, but fun anyway.

Thank you for writing and sharing. I was thrilled to see this updated.

Mike (MoA)

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 2:20pm

*snicker* I -almost- feel sorry for Snape and Dumbles, getting mousetrapped that way, but I reckon they've earned it. I rather suspect that Lucius is going to get heartily sick of Gomez Addams, but find he -really- can't touch him. I rather suspect his frustration level is not going to bode well for Narcissa, Draco, nor their house elves (poor Dobby). I like the way the changes are building and 'twill be interesting to see what's next.

The final scene was fascinating as they start to decipher Tom's Journal. Somehow I rather suspect Albus will not be overjoyed about that. for that matter, I rather suspect he'd be positively livid to know that the Addams were living in Little Hangelton.

Glad to see a new chapter here, esp. one that's such a delight to read.

LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 2:12pm

It lives!

Yay! I hope you're still brewing chapters for your other WIPs, but after such a long drought this was a welcome update. :)

James13 posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 2:01pm

That was a very entertaining chapter! :)

You have to love how the Adamms just steamroll everything...priceless :)

Davideg posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 1:58pm

wow another fantastic chapter thank you for finally updating please update again a.s.a.l.a.

Dennis posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 1:21pm

It's about time. I really love how the Addams' are turning Dumbledore's world upside-down.

Audra posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 1:16pm

Thank you for updating!
The chapter was good, but I'm waiting for the next one. There was not enough of "the kids" in this one to satisfy me.

Kathleen posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 1:11pm

Yay, another chapter!!!
I love "Mistress Frump." What a fantastic idea!!!!
And the Adamses have basically taken over the school! The best part: Hagrid's hut is too small and primitive!
This is fantastic. I love your story.

James Kennedy posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 1:09pm

Oh great, an update!

Very good. However, I'm a bit disappointed that Neville's Uncle Algie wasn't mentioned as a Herbology assistant-- all in the name of Longbottom-Addams friendship.

Nick R. posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 1:05pm

Wheeeeeeeeeeee! It's back! I love this story. Most well-written HP crossover story I've read yet. Really glad to see it return.

darthloki posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 1:03pm


Alex00 posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 1:02pm

Great stuff.