Content Harry Potter Sherlock


dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 1:12am

Hehehe! Death by committee!

I almost pity DD.

Cute ending.

john2 posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 1:02am

One teeny nit:

There’s nothing that says a student has to be fifteen to take them, you know,f only that they be capable of doing the work.

Otherwise, another flawless chapter in an entertaining tale.

Keep writing, I'll keep reading.

loralee posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 12:59am

Poor Dumbledore, so put upon. Love Grandmama being all Slytherin and blackmailing Snape. I'll bet he's going to be a lot happier in the future. :)

Wolfric posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 12:44am

Wonderful chapter. I enjoy the school politics but the scene with Remus pleases me most. I think that interaction between Wednesday and Luna Lovegood has some possibilities for next year. Thanks for writing. W.

kcgx23 posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 12:25am

Fabulous chapter.

mmb posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 12:16am

"Awake from your slumber, arise from your sleep."

Excellent. Was eagerly awaiting an update for this story. What a great way to brighten a dreary Monday morning.

Thank you

gennol posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 12:12am

I love this story it's so different than about anything else out there! Now that we have the family around don't forget Harry and Wednesday I would like to see just them on an adventure or two!

thanks for the update!

Roberta Johnson posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 12:11am

I would have paid to see the look on Snape's face when he was talking to Grandmama! Snicker, snicker...

Teresa Lynne posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 11:53pm

Yay!!!!!!!!!! (dances) Another chapter of your excellent story! I loved every bit of it, from seeing how Grandmama applied both the carrot and the stick to Snape during their interview to the way Malfoy and Dumbledore were blindsided at the PTA commitee meeting. Tsk looked for a while there like Snape was going to die from the shock of discovery that the doting grandmother he thought he could intimidate could out fininess him easily. And the way in which she outlined what could happen to him if he didn't straighten up was messy threats, no insults....just straight facts. Her outlining of Dumbledore's motives was priceless! As for Dumbledore, well it looks like Morticia and Gomez have most of the committee in the palms of their hands, and have a nice set of breaks ready to deal with Malfoy and Dumbledore. And then the sight of Malfoy and Mrs. Granger actually working togehter on a that was beautiful! I loved seeing that moment of realization on Dumbledore's part that he and Malfoy might actually be allied for once... I'll bet the thought gave him indigestion! Chuckle....and Dumbledore's suspicions about Quirell and the Addams family are correct but he's discounting it because of the time frame! I also enjoyed seeing the meeting between Remus and the children at the end of the chapter! It looks like they'll be researching like crazy to figure out what's in that journal.....and thanks to Wenesday's insight they have been given another clue to work with! By the by, when I was reading Snape's thoughts on Pugsley and Neville something occured to me...maybe those two will end up as buisness partners someday! Combine them with Fred and George and the future joke shop and they could be extremely sucessful. In short this was a fantastic chapter, and as always I look ahead to the next! Many thanks to you for writing this! Please accept cyber donuts, canollis, and danish!

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 11:40pm

"Well, we always knew that You Know Who had an ego. Now we know it was bigger than everyone else’s. Wonder what he was compensating for?"

Hee hee.

The Addamses are sneaky as all hell.

busted posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 11:39pm

YAY you updated this story :D im so happy right now. Thank you for continuing this story because I love it. Keep up the good work.

InAnna posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 11:29pm

Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! I loved the parent teachers meeting!It seems that the Adams are taking over Hogwarts and bringing it into the modern world and Dumbledore can't stand it! I loved how Grandmama handled Snape!This story just gets better and better with each chapter!I hope that I don't have to wait long for the next chapter!

Amamama posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 11:29pm

Woo-hoo! You're back! *big grin* I'm delighted, this is aboslutely spiffing! It was a wonderful chapter, and I so look forward to seeing the effect of all the changes. Smart girl, Wednesday. Oh, and Grandma, too. I could see Snape's face as he discovered who this old lady with the rather odd fashion sense was. That hit him right where it hurt the most. Yay you! Hope this means you have more material backed up, so there won't be this long a wait for the next update?

Jane Average posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 11:25pm

God, I love the Dumbledore torture ;) I LOLed at Lucius Malfoy being useful re: the house elves. Can't wait to see all the Addamses as professors *snort*

selenepotter posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 11:09pm

Yea! the best fic has another chapter!

It would be cool if the Addams kids did something nasty to the hocruxes . . . something that voldie would hate even more than their destruction!

I can't wait for Luna to show up next year. She and the Addams should get along great!

I love what the elder Addams' are doing to the school!

Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 11:03pm




I'm so happy to see more of this! Is this your NaNo for this year, or did you just pull out an older WIP? Either way, I'm just tickled.

I love how the Addamses are mucking about with Hogwarts - something SOMEBODY'S parents ought to have done ages ago - and I foresee lots of fun and excitement upcoming.

Meg posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 10:52pm


Excellent chapter! My favorite parts were tied between Grandmama vs. Snape and the PA vs. Dumbledore.

I can't wait to see how having the Family at Hogwarts disrupts things. *evil giggle*

Thanks for another great chapter, Dorothy!


Patricia Lee Finley posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 10:19pm

Creepy? Now that's creepy. Well, didn't Dumbledore get sideblinded...I mean sandblasted at the meeting? And just to think Malfoy was behaving himself. Will wonders ever cease in this story? I hope not!

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 10:10pm

Great chapter! A little weird at the end, but not totally unexpected. It's always great to see Dumbledore and Malfoy run through the ringer by the Adams yet again. Great to see you get back to this story.

Mark Safransky posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 10:00pm

Oh man Dorothy, this was great! Grandmama laid a smack down on Snape that was classic. Now he doesn't have any say in how Harry and the Addams grades are. Love the meeting with between the Teachers and Parents. Dumbledore has more headaches as well as Gomez taking more power from Malfoy. Geez, Malfoy isn't going to have any politcal power left when he's done. Ooh, poor Draco can't whine about "When my father hears agout this!" anymore. Brilliant. Also lofe the foreshadowing of the Horcruxes at the end. Keep up the great work!!