Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Memory King posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 12:54pm

Excellent chapter! So they suspect Harry as a Horcrux now? What will they do about it? I'm looking forward to find out, and I hope your next update won't take as long.

Cat Feral posted a comment on Wednesday 31st October 2007 1:19pm

Every time I re-read this chapter, there is just one thing I find myself objecting to: I don't believe Madam Pomfrey would scream and faint at the sight of Thing. If she weren't made of sterner stuff than that, she wouldn't have lasted long as a Nurse in a school where people often get horrific, magical injuries.

I suspect that even Dumbles - though I know you aren't crazy about him from the way you portray him - would take Thing's handshake with a bit more equinimity than you've shown him with.

Otherwise, LOVELY chapter, which I have re-read many times!

dhampirkinfolk posted a comment on Tuesday 30th October 2007 2:45pm

I love this story. It makes me happy. Addams'belong in the wizarding world. Mostly because wizards are in general really stupid, and Addams'do such creative things to stupid people. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue this!

Lara Quinn posted a comment on Saturday 27th October 2007 8:16am

An amazing cross-over. This series should not be abandoned. Please continue if possible. Thanks for hours of pleasure reading this story so far.

darkangel628 posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd October 2007 5:14am

please write i'm bored

Bruce Shipman posted a comment on Thursday 18th October 2007 10:11am

Are you going to pick this up again for NaNoWriMo? I'm sure there are an awful lot of us that are hoping you do!

cookiegestapo posted a comment on Monday 15th October 2007 12:12pm

Oh god, please continue.
I've gone and fallen in love with this story only to be left high and dry.
Do say you'll update some time soon.
I've quickly become addicted to this story y'know.

Joseph Fritz posted a comment on Saturday 13th October 2007 12:21pm

Great story! Please post more soon!

Katsuhito posted a comment on Sunday 30th September 2007 9:11pm

Love the story, especially the dueling scene with Malfoy. I can just picture Harry going all "Gomez" on Draco with a little bit of Carey Ewig mixed in ("Parry, parry, thrust... Good, Malfoy. My turn!" <begin chase scene - chaos ensues>) Also interesting is how you have some of the other Slytherins (quidditch team) acting like they're real people, instead of blocks of wood with IQs to match.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Christopher Davison posted a comment on Sunday 30th September 2007 2:01pm

This story is great please update soon.

Cale posted a comment on Sunday 30th September 2007 8:23am

Lo, naught anew as of yet. Tho' I have read it once, I have read it twice, and behold, I read it thrice! This has yet to cease to amuse, distract and entertain me. I feel my heart urging me to beseeth thee in a manner unbecomming and anoying for more, yet these are exactly wath many an author and artist dislike and I shan't anger thy temper, for it can do naught but make thy feeleth that thoust should NOT further this piece of lore merely to trouble me. I could not bringeth myself to inflict this pain unto all those others and myself.

Flowery speech aside, this is still an amazing read and I truly do hope to read more. But liek I said; no reviews from me demanding "MOAR" for these meet with no result and merely seem to be the source of anger. There, I've gone and went all bloomy once more.

needlessnoodles posted a comment on Tuesday 25th September 2007 12:17pm

This was exactly what I was looking for when I searched for a story. It's been great so far. I'd love to read even more Addams interaction with Hogwarts. Like what the students think of Morticia, Gomez and Fester. I kept having this vision of Gomez and Harry doing sword play and Uncle Fester getting a hold of something that blows up inside him.

Dark Topaz posted a comment on Tuesday 25th September 2007 5:52am

please update pretty please with a sugar scull on top.

power214063 posted a comment on Monday 24th September 2007 9:13pm

please update soon

simons_flower posted a comment on Monday 24th September 2007 4:40am

Rereading this for the first time in a while and just wanted to make a comment.

I've really enjoyed what you've done with it so far, the crossover is very believable and almost seamlessly integrated. I love a good "what if?" scenario.

Can't wait for the next chapter...whenever it's ready.

darkangel628 posted a comment on Saturday 22nd September 2007 12:59am

please update i am so BORED!!!!


Hutcho7188 posted a comment on Sunday 16th September 2007 9:24pm

hey whats the go? its like a ghost site here. are you looking at posting any updates soon? seriously the withdrawal be damned i've resorted to reading crap-grade fanfics as a quick fix until i get another hit of decent fanfiction. so heres me, a fanfic addict, begging you to PLEASE post an update soon.

pyrodaemon posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 5:59pm

The Addams Family and Harry Potter, I can tell you that's one I've *never* even dreamed up, let alone read. I loved the way you mixed and mashed it all together and made it it's only little thing. Your a wonderful writer and I can't wait to see more from you.

hjdevnull posted a comment on Wednesday 5th September 2007 3:23am

Wow, this is definitely a different AU than normal! I'm really liking it a lot. You do a great job with Harry and the Addamses, or however one would pluralize that last name. Even the tertiary characters are dynamic and interesting. And I'm really glad you didn't character-bash Ron, as most Slytherin-Harry stories do.

Can't wait for the next chapter of this story.

Cat Feral posted a comment on Tuesday 4th September 2007 1:24pm

"Harry Potter is a most important child," Dumbledore continued desperately. He is … gifted, shall we say? Hogwarts is one of the few schools in the world capable of educating him. Since his future lies in Britain, it is important that he live there, with his family, as I arranged."

"As you arranged? Why did you have any say in Harry's placement?" asked Gomez, his eyes glittering. "Are you the executor of his parents' wills? Are you his trustee or guardian?"

"I told you, I am the Headmaster at Hogwarts School."

"A position with no official status, sir. At least none of which I am aware. Certainly not the authority to place an orphaned child." Gomez opened a drawer and pulled out a folder. "This, sir, gives us all the authority we need to care for Harry. I'll think you'll find that you don't have a leg to stand on, legally speaking."

Once again, you've hit on something that had never occurred to me! What legal authority did Dumbles have to decide who Harry would be raised by after his parents' deaths? I guess I just vaguely assumed either that wizards were always doing this sort of thing (look at Merlin and baby Arthur, after all) or that, as a close friend of James and Lily and leader of the OotP, he would have had their consent, whether officially or not, to handle things if, for some reason, Sirius couldn't.

You keep spotting the unanswered questions in the story, that tend to get by so many of us!