Content Harry Potter Sherlock


corwalch posted a comment on Monday 20th July 2009 11:48pm

It took me 3 days to finish what you've written so far cause real life kept interferring, but I like it and look forward eagerly to the next update.

mokahi posted a comment on Wednesday 15th July 2009 12:27pm

Another enjoyable chapter. I love the Gomez version of supportive parenting. He is very supportive but in such an Addams way. Looking forward to the next chapter!

James21 posted a comment on Monday 13th July 2009 10:55am

its steller work. I would love to see more.

M. R. Moore posted a comment on Sunday 12th July 2009 1:46pm

Easily the best chapter so far. I have absolutely no sympathy for dumbledore so far and think he deserves everything he's gotten. I also think it is very entertaining that the Family is taking everything over.

GinnyLover posted a comment on Saturday 11th July 2009 4:47pm

Have you stopped writing? Its been a year! :(

Silo posted a comment on Friday 10th July 2009 10:19am

so when is the update coming hopefully soon if not at lest tell us u have stoped so that we can stope looking for updates

vettesr posted a comment on Saturday 4th July 2009 10:19pm

Great Story, Thank you for sharing with us. I discovered Perfect Slytherins a couple months ago and read this one at the same time. I decided to read both again, and realized I hadn't left a review of this one so here it is. Great Characterization, I love how the whole family just comes together and works with each other. Ive always liked that about the Addam's. There are several interesting story arcs that tie back together nicely and I look forward to seeing where they all go.

Harriverse posted a comment on Sunday 28th June 2009 6:13pm

I think this story just jumped to the head of my must read list!!! Your Addamses fit into the Potterverse like it was made for them. Treat your must well because she is a doozy!!!

Jamie46 posted a comment on Thursday 25th June 2009 11:29am

I love love LOVE this story!!! :) But... it's been a year. :( Any update in the works yet? (Please please please don't say it's been abandoned.)

Charles Newton posted a comment on Wednesday 17th June 2009 10:00am

An excellent slant on two rather odd families; hope to see lots more!

matthiasblack posted a comment on Wednesday 17th June 2009 4:41am

I have enjoyed your story so far and am glad that I went back to read it. You have some very ingenious plots and sub-plots for the Harry Potter universe and I enjoy them. I hope that your muse returns as this is a great fic and I hope to see it continued.

Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Sunday 14th June 2009 1:21pm

Please update this story soon. I realize that it has been a while since last you posted anything, but I do hope that you haven't abandoned the fic. It is well thought out, detailed, pokes Dumbledore in the eye with flair, and puts the Addams Family characters in an interesting new light.

BionicLegs posted a comment on Sunday 14th June 2009 12:28pm

Stumbled here a few days ago and was amazed at how much I enjoyed this. I'll admit, when I first read the summary for this story, I was somewhat hesitant. I thought to myself "Harry Potter and The Addams family? in the same story?" But I am happy to report that my reservations were completely unfounded, I love this story and I really hope you're planning to give us some more. I tremble with anticipation.

Aberbadger posted a comment on Tuesday 9th June 2009 3:25am

re AN...
Just one small britpick point... Stockings are the same here as in the US - as a general rule, they are upper-thigh length, and can be made of the same material as panty-hose, or of warmer materials, and can be kept up with garter belts. Tights are specifically panty-hose, comprised of legs and butt, and made of thin, translucent material....
Otherwise, wonderful story. Re-reading it for third or fourth time whilst i wait impatiently for the next chapter. Not sure if you're one of the founding members of, but i have a question... As i understand it, this website is by invite-only, and i can, ofcourse appreciate that. The big question is, why on earth haven't Rorschach's Blot and Nonjon not been invited to post?!

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Tuesday 26th May 2009 6:40pm

This story is really good. I hope to see a new chapter soon. Do you have any idea, as to when you might be updating this story?

rosiegirl posted a comment on Saturday 23rd May 2009 1:01am

I have avoided reading this for quite some time, and am very happy that I finally decided to read it! Great story, hope you are able to do more sometime

The Resident posted a comment on Friday 22nd May 2009 1:36pm

I really, really hope that you find inspiration to continue this story. I can remember watching the original Addams Family when TV was black and white only. Keep up the great work.

johnny_bravo posted a comment on Friday 22nd May 2009 9:26am

Great story....How frequently do you update?

Silo posted a comment on Friday 22nd May 2009 7:34am

when r u going to update it hass allmost been a year man

winoniel posted a comment on Thursday 7th May 2009 11:56am

It has been such a joy reading this story! I really like how you've taken the Addams perspective on life and applied it to situations which in canon seemed so hopeless. You've allowed a much happier, better-adjusted Harry to flourish!

I hope that the story is not abandoned, and that you will eventually finish it. Great job!