Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Jonathan Northwood posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 3:22am

Ah, delightful! I was wondering when the next chapter would appear, and here it is, as fantastic as all your writing is. :)

I am -loving- this series!

ladyimmortal posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 3:07am


And the crowd goes wild! Another chapter of Family Values!

Saaaah-weet! :D

And so well done too. I don't even remotely feel sorry for Dumbles...

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 2:49am

*snicker**chuckle**chortle**guffaw* OMFG, the start of this chapter's bloddy hilarious as Albus discovers just what he's let himself in for. The bit with Snape and Grandmamma was a very nice touch, Snape showing that he deserves to be in Slytherin. The last portion is quite believeable and I applaud Gomez' tactics (I've used 'em myself on occassion).

BTW, you might ask your muse if mine was vacationing with her, she left "on sabbatical" a couple years ago and hasn't been seen since save for some touristy postcards.

Fusion Blaster posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 2:28am

once again simply awesome.
The Addams succeding at what they do best. Drive the norms nuts.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 2:21am

And well he deserved such a week! Thanks for the update, it was delightful. I particularly like Gomez's advice for how to wallow with style :)

Ishtar replied:

He's an expert - he does it in both movies and in at least one of the TV episodes (the one with the flashback to how he married Morticia, which you may recognize in his reminiscences in this chapter). posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 2:05am

Outstanding chapter!!!! I'm so glad your Muse came back!!!! Did those suspicous little paper umbrellas contain ideas on them???? Will Gomez and Remus figure out how to help Harry???? Will you be following the books completely???? Will Harry still be a Parseltongue after he gets rid of the soul fragment???? Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please!!!!:):):):)

csktech posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 2:00am

Yaaa Ishter is back with more Addams goodlyness.

Meg posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 1:58am

Wonderful chapter! You had me laughing out loud at times. :) Can't wait to see what sort of insanity Grandmama brings to potions.



Lon Huey posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 1:14am

Thank you for taking this up again. I'd just reread it the other day and enjoyed it just as much the second time around. Don't normally like crossovers, but you and Bob and Alyx are changing my mind.

Joe Fenton posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 1:09am

Seems more of a "housekeeping" chapter, but those have to be done periodically. At least it's an update. Looking forward to more. :)

Peregrine829 posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 1:03am

You're back! You're back! Yay!

Memory King posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 11:28pm

Immensely entertaining stuff, hope your next update comes sooner. Looking forward to more!

Amamama posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 11:06pm

Woo-hoo! Welcome back! You've been missed dearly, so I'm thrilled that your muse stopped gallivanting around on beach parties and returend home. May she stay put. *is hopeful* Great chapter, I love seeing the Addams family turn Hogwarts upside down. Or maybe that should be that they're bringing it to an even keel? Doesn't hurt, those changes. Remus brings good advice as always, and thankfully Dumbledore still thinks he's his man, but I'd say he's Harry's. The different elf clans competing is a great touch, loved it. Will Dobby show up in this story, and what about Malfoy slipping Ginny Tom's diary? Will you go down that route, or will it all be solved after first year? I, most selfishly, hope not, as this crossover is just wonderful and I want to get as much of it as possible.

So, in short: Great work! I hope your muse stays, and wish you a most wonderful, productive summer. I'll be here to read and enjoy whatever you come up with next.


Ishtar replied:

Thanks for your comments.   The bit abut the house elves was one of my favorite things to write - I always figured they'd be competitive about who could do the most things for their people.   I'm not sure about Dobby yet - I'm pretty sure he'd be run over roughshod if he tried to keep the Addamses away from Platform 9 3/4.   Malfoy will be playing games with the diary, but he has bigger problems than Arthur Weasley right now, and so his target will be changed.  Though the general plotline will be accelerated (they are on the verge of discovering Horcruxes, for example), it will take several years to resolve.   I'm looking at having this go at least through Fourth Year and the Tournament, with an Epilogue after Seventh Year to bring everything to a close.

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 10:46pm

Excellent chapter. I loved the Dumbledore POV and the slow crumble of his life. The House Elf competition was great.

Thank you for writing.

Mike (MoA)

Jiltanith posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 10:34pm


*rubs eyes*

Looks again

Wow, it really is an Ishtar update!

Bravo! Bravo! Encore! Encore!

Frank Hacklander posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 10:20pm

Hurray! A nice filler chapter, setting out the boundaries for more of Dumbledore's comeuppance. Still, the interaction between Gomez, Remus and Harry at the end was very well done. Still, was surprised that the whole clan wasn't present to applaud the artillery fire...Eagerly awaiting the next installment.

AutumnHeart posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 9:35pm

Hey - it lives! Excellent... I've been hoping this would be continued, and the new chapter was a grand thing to read. Thanks!

Davideg posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 9:31pm

wow fantastic chapter i love this story thank you for the update please update again a.s.a.l.a. =as soon as life allows

darktail posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 9:27pm

YES! Finally a new chapter! I loved all of it! Can't wait for the next! And the seven dwarves (or dwarfs, but both ways are accepted, it seems) bit was hilarious! Keep up the good work, bye!

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 8:29pm

Yes! A great follow up to one of my top ten fics here, and loved how Albus' ulcer must be burning at record le vels now, as well as Gomez and his advice to Harry. Wonderful part here, and definitely looking forward to the next part.