Content Harry Potter Sherlock


Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 3:20pm

I like it. Having Harry unite the houses or move in that direction from Slytherin is certainly a unique approach. Thanks, W

jilumasam posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 3:15pm

Well worth the wait! Good to see that Harry has started to gather his allies.


JVTazz posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 2:57pm

good chapter :) looking forward to the next one :)

Ivy_Snowe posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 2:31pm

That was one hell of a chapter. The children are making some headway with members of the other houses. We have Quidditch, always a bonus. And witty reparte from Harry's corner and confusion and stupidity from Draco's. Love that Machiavelli scene. Hilarious. Cheers.


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 2:04pm

*snicker* Whoa, that had to be an "interesting" experience for Snape. I laughed quite strongly at the insult in Italian and Blaise's reaction. This is already a fascinating story and I'm sure it's going to get more so.

hutcho7188 posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 2:04pm

Egads! it took you long enough! i've been anxiously awaiting this update and i beg of you dont make us wait this long again!

Mouse posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 1:58pm

This is a excellent chapter update.

Ginger posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 1:37pm

I am have way too much fun with this story. It is great

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 1:20pm

‘Will Work for Gloves.’ That was great!

Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

Brandon West posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 1:19pm


Wow. Check off one Life Debt. :D

Snape is thawing. Slowly, slightly, almost imperceptibly, but he is. Cool.

Glad to see you updated past NaNo time as well.

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 1:19pm

I'd say that Machiavelli was a natural soulmate for Slytherins, if it wasn't for the fact that it's glaringly obvious that no modern Slytherin ever heard the name, or Sun Tzu's for that matter. Good chapter, glad to see this continue!

minervakitty posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 1:03pm

Just how many people is talking about the Addams? Does this mean that Gomez will try to get Snape on their side? I'm actually waiting for the Thing to shake Snape's hand. Just who's hand was this? I'm really not surprised that Hermione's in Ravenclaw. Just how many of the other ladies know how to handle Snape? Just what would be the turning point for Snape to work for the Addams and helping Harry? Will you have Remus do some talking about the quality of care that the Addams give to their employees? Makes me wonder if there's some really special potion ingredients that only the Addams have? Does this mean that Harry, Pugsley and Wednesday is going to get a few books on hexes, jinxes and what not? Makes me wonder if something nasty will happen to Draco.

MasterBralia posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 12:59pm

Another nice chapter. Hope you're not going to follow the entire PS plot-line, but so far it's nicely done. Liked the part in the hospital wing :P. Hope next chapter will come soon!

CRose posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 12:56pm

Oooh Rahh! A very good chaper. Been checking for an update every day since the last chapter was put up. I'll be doing the same for the next chapter as well. I'm a major fan of this story. Keep up the excellent work.


yerocfponk posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 12:46pm

I'm really enjoying your Addam's take on Harry Potter. I came to FFA today hoping to find a new chapter, and was overjoyed when I found it was up. I had quite a few laughs form this chapter especially Harry's comment about how much getting on the team would cost lol . Keep up the good work.

loralee posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 12:45pm

Wonderful chpt, glad you're back to it. :)

mjc posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 12:40pm

It would take more than a single book to get Malfoy up to the level of a battle of wits with an Addams.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 12:31pm

Polite harry is going kill Snape isn't he? greasy git has his perceptions so altered by the hatreds of youth that he is going to really struggle to accept reality.

Love the story - Thing at the castle, and the Addams Trio as friends with Filch sets up SO many interesting possibilities.

thanks for updating - my 11 yr old daughter has been asking me every day "Is there a new chapter yet?"

warm regards

Nick5 posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 12:26pm

surprised the boys weren't looking for their teeth with the comments about Wednesday... and that's if Harry and Pugsley got to them first. Still, nice to see Thing in this - wonder who he flips off first?

Roberta Johnson posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 12:23pm

Another good one! Thanks!