Content Harry Potter Sherlock


James13 posted a comment on Thursday 27th March 2008 5:10pm

I love it when Albus gets railroaded into agreeing with the Gomez. It's nice to see the devious manipulator get overpowered by the slick fast talking used car salesman :)

AnyaBerry posted a comment on Sunday 23rd March 2008 4:28pm

Is there a story alert on this?
My email is
This is a great story! :)
- AnyaBerry

romero posted a comment on Friday 21st March 2008 3:44pm

I just found your story and love the relationship between the Addams and Harry. I was snickering a lot when Dumbledore tries to outmaneuver the Addams. I'm looking forward to reading more.

kanikan posted a comment on Thursday 20th March 2008 2:18am

Wonderful story, one of the best crossovers I've read in the HP world. Very creative and well written. I'm even fond of the PA/HG pairing you have going on. I hope you'll be updating soon. Keep up the great work.

Jinx15 posted a comment on Tuesday 18th March 2008 2:24pm


I just completed reading your story up to 'Balance of Power', and I have to say it's very original and well done. Very well written.

I saw it recommended on someone else's story, and I'm very happy to have taken the advise to check it out.

Excellent story plot. And that one chapter where Snape and Dumbledore meet 'Thing' will forever bring a smile to my face.

I laughed for over ten minutes, and each time I tried to read it again, but slowly, I kept cracking up. That was hilarious funny.

Even now I'm chuckling again. I'll never forget that chapter. I'm going to send the link to a few friends to read your story because it's totally worth it.

Thank you so much for having shared your plot, and I'm so looking forward to what will happen next.

Dragen posted a comment on Monday 17th March 2008 8:50am

Great chapter mate can't wait to read more.

Dragen posted a comment on Monday 17th March 2008 7:52am

Oh I love how Lurch was interposing himself between the mob and Harry, which would make them to back off. Oh great - lol - the Addams have moved into Voldemort’s old home. Now Harry has got the Ring too, oh what fun the story is going to be. :D

Dragen posted a comment on Monday 17th March 2008 7:27am

Great chapter, I like how the Addams handled Dumbledore.

Lara Quinn posted a comment on Monday 17th March 2008 4:27am

I loved the latest installment of your story. It manages to believably cross 2 fandoms that would not normally be considered to have much in common. I just hope that the lack of updates doesn't mean that this is another abandoned story in the HP fanfic world. It would be a great disappointment to all the faithful readers out there. Any hope would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for writing.

verdant posted a comment on Sunday 16th March 2008 2:31am

Your story really is tremendously engrossing and entertaining. Thank you so much for writing it.

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 15th March 2008 12:00pm

Oh I do like how Dumbledore reacted to the Addams.

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 15th March 2008 11:18am

Not a bad start to the story, I can't wait to see what happens next.

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 5:30am

GREAT STORY, don't stop now!

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 2:33am

I am not really into crossovers, but this is beyond brilliant!

Just in this chapter alone the way you handle Snape, Dumbledore, and Malfoy was choice. Putting Lucius in the uncomfortable chair was a treat.

I'm not sure why I haven't read this before, probably because I try to stick to completed stories, but I'm glad I started it finally.

Well done, indeed!

Lucifer Black posted a comment on Wednesday 5th March 2008 10:17am

This had got to be one of the greatest stories I've ever read! Good job and keep it up!

yelena Kushnirova posted a comment on Wednesday 20th February 2008 7:02am

the different versions of kaschei's name are more likely due to changes in orthographical conventions than a change in the pronounciation over time; the russian spelling for the three versions mentioned would be the same

rm posted a comment on Wednesday 20th February 2008 5:23am

story is absolutely brilliant but please update soon please

Banner posted a comment on Wednesday 20th February 2008 2:13am

This is fascinating. And a lot of fun. I love seeing the British Wizarding World through Addams-coloured glasses. Mortitia out-maneuvering Dumbledore gives me a happy glow. And watching an Addams-assimilated Lupin is just great. I Can't Wait to see Hermione Addams: she's going to be a TREAT.

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Tuesday 19th February 2008 6:58am

Wow. Now things are starting to get very interesting. Would you please UPDATE? And soon, preferably. I need to know what happens next.

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Monday 18th February 2008 3:31pm

Hmmm. Does this mean the beginnings of a truce between Snape and Harry?