By Ishtar
Davideg posted a comment on Sunday 28th January 2007 4:12am
im going insane waiting for you to update, please update a.s.a.p.
Jeremy posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 5:17pm
Great fic please update soon
Josh posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 9:20am
great story updte soon this is the only crossover ive found for harry potter with the addams family in it
Edward Becerra posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 12:03pm
To Jeremy DuCharne - Ishtar included Dr. MacIntyger as a tribute to a close friend of mine, who died of cancer in 2004. She often roll-played with me, her character being a cheetah-lycanthrope.
She's shown up in several other fics, and several web comics, including "Kevin & Kell", "Dela the Hoda", and "Black Tapestries", their authors generously donating the appearances in their strips to her memory, something for which I'm deeply grateful.
Edward Becerra
Christina Tomlin posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 10:10am
Hello, I just read this story and at first I thought I wasn't going to enjoy it very much. The idea of a crossover with the Addams Family seemed like a bad idea. I will addmit though after giving it a chance and reading it all, I realized that I was wrong. I found myself hooked after the first chapter and enjoyed reading this story very much. This is a very well written and enjoyable story, that I do hope you update soon.
I do hope to see some Wednesday and Harry moments along with more Dumbledore and Mortica moments those are very well done. Thank you.
GaelicDragon posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 5:35am
Family Values: The Value of one family over another on the open market.
Peachy posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd January 2007 10:13pm
Lovely chapter are you going to finish this story. I'm kind of liking it a lot. You Have captured the Addams family perfectly.
Aten posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 6:33am
Great story, keep up the good work.
Anonymous posted a comment on Saturday 20th January 2007 1:44pm
moar crack plz
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Wednesday 17th January 2007 3:51am
Hi Ishtar,
Yes, I know, Real Life is getting in the way again, isn't it?
A whole month between updates...and counting!
Just to let you know you fanbase is still out here, waiting patiently...sort of.
egret posted a comment on Sunday 14th January 2007 2:28pm
I love this story! Wonderful idea, mixing the Addamses and Harry Potter. Please write more soon!
Jimmy posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 11:47am
Freddy posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 1:45pm
You've got a really great fanfic here. The only minor quibble I have is that Harry's a bit too... Defensive.
QOShea posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 8:38am
This chapter rocked! Can't wait to see the next :)
TDW posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 2:14pm
Just wanted to let ya know that i am really enjoying this story and look forward to more.
Keep up the good work!
Davideg posted a comment on Tuesday 9th January 2007 5:03am
just whant to know how the next chapter is coming along because im going insane waiting for it
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Monday 8th January 2007 1:32am
Please, now that the Holidays are over, find some time to add a Chapter for all your fans who are going slowly crackers waiting.
I second Bob's comment on Boils. Hives, while bad, might work better, but it is probably too late to change now.
Ishtar replied:
I used boils because JKR used boils. That first class is canon. I note that while Neville was whimpering in pain, he didn't scream and was able to go to the Hospital Wing with some help. He might be more stoic than most, but still, it wasn't totally debilitating. Additionally, Harry is, I must point out, an Addams. This means he has a ridiculously high pain tolerance to begin with. The boils did wipe him out to the point where he was slurring his speech somewhat, and he couldn't move without help, so they did have some effect on him. Once he got to the Hospital Wing, he was administered pain potions - I didn't think I needed to mention those, but apparently I did.
In the chaper I'm working on now, someone else gets a dose of the boil potion, and we can see its effect on a "normal" wizard.
noylj posted a comment on Sunday 7th January 2007 3:57pm
well? i hope you are still working on this great story
the_goblets posted a comment on Sunday 7th January 2007 3:18am
Congratulations! You've been nominated for an award at The Goblets!
The Goblets is a Harry Potter Awards Association that strives to acknowledge the "Best of the Wizarding World" in fan fiction and fan art. We are only in our second term but already have over 290 members, 14 fan fiction and 13 fan art categories to nominate in, as well as a slew of new reading material at your fingertips! Discover sites, stories, and artwork that you've never seen before and open your eyes to the marvelous and magical world of The Goblet Awards!
The category your story was nominated for: Best Cross-Over
The story nominated: Family Matters
To Vote and Nominate, you must join the Yahoo! Group here:
To view past terms, current nominations and everything else in between, go here:
Brad Crawford posted a comment on Wednesday 31st January 2007 9:13pm